2022-12-14 - ERM meeting

2022-12-14 - ERM meeting

Meeting Time:    8 am EST /  2 pm CET / 1 pm UK

Call in Number:     https://zoom.us/j/995679876 

Meeting URLhttps://zoom.us/j/995679876 Password needed: please see link below



ERM SIG Folio Wiki: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ERMSIG/

Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17X3tr6siZH8iS07kGcjAqUNl01zVrJmB

Terms and definitions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vue-mbcULpZivWu69a7nAZEdC-H2yXPQqSblbL_0J6U

Slack Channel: # erm-team

Recording: https://prod-zoom-recordings-openlibraryfoundation-org.s3.amazonaws.com/529c26c3-70d7-4e08-9a2c-a3fe209b99eb%2Fshared_screen_with_speaker_view.mp4

Agenda Dec 14th 2022

Convener: Martina T.

Notetaker: Martina S. (belated)


  • All: Please edit the attendees list below and indicate when you are there!
  • Next ERM meeting:  
    • first meeting in 2023:  
  • all questions and topics for the ERM implementers meeting can be posted on this confluence page: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SABS
  • Open discuss posts: right now no new posts regarding erm
  • PC meeting Dec 1st
  • PC meeting Dec 8th (SIG convener update)

Agenda items

  1. Development progress - ERM sprint 155-156
  2. Agreement line user interface questions
    1. Please read the document at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Du33P_QCwkBW1ikZrJM9jWDpV1VmEryGrZWK4r62_lw/edit?usp=sharing  and add your comments and questions


Development progress

  • combined sprints 155 and 156 due to holidays 
  • working on tackling technical debts - e.g. implementing software tests
  • there is a separate search for titles, packages and platforms now
  • currently there is a problem on FOLIO snapshot with displaying agreements | work is done | waiting for environments to catch up
  • filter added for "cancellation deadline" and "reason for closure"
  • official release of Nolana will be announced today
  • for Morning Glory there is a hotfix in the works
  • ERM-2482: Incorrect overlapping coverage errors on import to local KB
    • for Lotus there will be no hotfix where this could be included
    • reason: only the 2 last releases will be supported; so when Nolana ist released, it will be Morning Glory and Nolana
    • sometimes the fixes are trivial, but will never be seen in the version a library is using (if the version is "too old")
    • support is in discussion in PC as well

Agreement line user interface questions

  • talked about some issues with agreement lines UI
  • one of theem is the inclusion of Agreement lines in the Agreement edit screen
  • load all agreement lines with no control which one is needed and how many there are
  • agreement edit screen is already very complex
  • idea: remove AGL edit completely from agreement edit screen | reason: avoid performance issues
    • ERM SIG: only if there is a way to edit AGLs in a similar way on screen | have them editable in one place
    • pagination often helps but not with finding the correct AGL
  • there is now a separate AGL search that will ease finding specific AGLs | there are then several clicks need to be able to edit the AGL
  • when browsing through a list of AGLs the POL could be a useful information
  • there is no screen where all information is displayed for an AGL
  • in other apps there is a pattern do configure the displayed columns of an MCL (via "action" menu)
    • for AGLs we would have performance issues because information needs to be retrieved from other apps
    • ERM team will look at this
  • wish: extend MCL to include links to external objects
  • question: is it useful to be able to edit the AGLs on a single screen | are there use cases
    • Use case: need to update POLs on AGLs each year
    • maybe same actions but different POLs for each AGL
    • bulk edit option would be nice | option: could we add the ability to load agreements and licenses to the bulk edit app that is being developed
      • bulk edit app seems to be designed for larger numbers of edits |using bulk edit app does not seem efficient for the number of records that would need changing (except for when wanting to change the period end date for many AGLs at once)
    • wish to have the option "go to the next one" without needing to leave one record and clicking to the next | e.g. button "save & go to next" in addition to "save & close"
    • alternative: rough design/sketch by Gill:
    • which one of the 2 options is preferred:
      • ERM SIG: from a UI perspective the design by Gill would be preferred, especially for the change of dates, POL and related notes | seems like less clicking 
    • being able to mark AGLs as "done" via a checkbox would be helpful
    • display last edited date as a column in results list | would be a topic for App Interaction
    • numbering would be useful as well to refer to records
    • other 2 topics:
      • active and inactive AGLs
      • AGL creation
      • Owen will use feedback from the homework document and work on a way forward that he will present in a next meeting


Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:10 PM
Will there be a backport for ERM-2482 (to Lotus)
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:26 PM
@Owen Just FYI for later a note about kind of a similar issue in Inventory: UIIN-2155. We implemented pagination for parent/child relations in the instance record in view mode. But there is still an issue when editing an instance record with hundreds of parent/child relations, because all those relations are loaded by the system. No solution until now.
Von Jessica Harris an alle 02:31 PM
I agree. The POL being displayed is important.
Von Jack Mulvaney an alle 02:34 PM
So that would behave similar to the "View in Inventory" button on linked POLs?
Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:41 PM
Sometimes that is what is needed: the same to a whole set, but also sometimes the same needs to be added to many in different ways
Von Nicole Trujillo an alle 02:49 PM
like "Go to next agreement line"?
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:56 PM
That view on the data could save a lot of time, so I think it is a good idea and should be implemented before the "save and open next AGRLine" idea.
Von Carol Sterenberg an alle 02:59 PM
Thank you!
Von Zorian Sasyk (EBSCO FOLIO) (he/him) an alle 02:59 PM
Thanks all!
Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:59 PM
Same to you and all!
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:59 PM
Thank you Owen!
Von Jessica Harris an alle 02:59 PM
Thank you & Happy Holidays!
Von Molly Driscoll an alle 02:59 PM
thanks, everyone! happy holidays!
Von Martina Karlsson an alle 03:00 PM
Thank you!
Von Nicole Trujillo an alle 03:00 PM
Thank you Owen!

Attendees list



Home Organization

Aaron Neslin


Abigail Wickes

Duke University Libraries

Alaina Deane


Alice Daugherty

University of Alabama

Alissa HafeleStanford University

Amelia Sutton


Andrea Meindl

UB Regensburg

Ann-Marie Breaux


Annika Schröer

UB Leipzig

xAnnika Zierhut

Anu Moorthy


Anya Arnold



Beate Aretz


Benjamin Ahlborn

SuUB Bremen

xBernd OberknappUB Freiburg / ReDI

Birgit Neumann

Björn Muschall

UB Leipzig

xCarol Sterenberg

Carole Godfrey


Catherine Tuohy

Emmanuel College 

Charlotte Whitt

Index Data


Claudia Malzer

ULB Darmstadt, Developer

Dennis Bridges


Dorothe KuglerUB Mainz

Dwayne Swigert

Missouri State University


Emma Raub 


Eric Hartnett

Texas A&M University


Felix Hemme

ZBW Kiel

Frances Webb

Cornell, Developer

Gang ZhouShanghai Library

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Gisela Weinerth

SUB Hamburg

Heather MacFarlane

Heather Thoele

Texas A&M University

Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jack Mulvaney


Jag Goraya


Janet Ewing

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Jenna Lantermann

Five Colleges / Smith College 

Jenna Strawbridge



Jessica Harris


Jir Shin Boey

Missouri State University

Joe Sikowitz

Fenway Library Organization

Johanna RaddingFive Colleges / Amherst College

Julie Brannon


Kathleen Berry

UMass Amherst

Kathleen Norton

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Katrin Brüggemann

UB Leipzig

Khalilah Gambrell


Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen

Kristen Wilson

Index Data


Kristin Martin


Kyle Banerjee


Lars-Hakan Herbertsson


Laura Wright

Cornell University

Laurenz KernStabi Berlin
xLeonie BodinusUB Erlangen-Nürnberg

Lindsey Lowry

University of Alabama

Luca Lanzillo

Sapienza Library System - Sapienza University of Rome

Lucas ModerUB Regensburg

Mara Egherman


Maria Taylor

Marie Widigson


Mariyam Thorhira

Johns Hopkins University Libraries

Marjorie Snyder

Mark Arnold

Missouri State University

Mark Deutsch


Martin Scholz

Martina Karlsson


Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne

Mary O’Brien

Matthieu Bordet

DMCultura, Ravenna, Italy

Mohammad AlhamadMissouri State University

Molly Driscoll


Moritz Horn

VZG, Göttingen

Nancy Finn


Nancy Pelis

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

xNicole Trujillo

Nina StellmannVZG, Göttingen

Norma Flores

Texas A&M University

Olga Harder

TIB Hannover


Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Paul Trumble



Peter Böhm

HeBIS, Frankfurt

Peter McCracken


Robert Heaton

Robert ScheierCollege of the Holy Cross

Rüdiger Stratmann

IAI SPK Berlin

Sabine Howahl

ULB Darmstadt

Sabrina Bayer

UB Regensburg


Sara Colglazier

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Sarah Dennis

Texas A&M University

Sarah Morgenstern-Einenkel

UB Leipzig

Scott Stangroom


Siobhan McManamon

Five Colleges / Smith College

Sobha Duvvuri


Stephani KaceliCairn University

Stew MacLehose

University of New England

Susanne Schuster

BSZ Konstanz

Tara Barnett

Tatjana Clemens

UB Frankfurt

Theodor Tolstoi

Chalmers, EBSCO

Tracy Patton

Missouri State University

xValerie Cervantes

Virginia Martin

Duke University Libraries

Xiaoyan (Yan) Song


xZorian SasykEBSCO