ERM documentation needs
ERM documentation needs
App-Specific Documentation
- Create an Agreement
- Add alternative names to an Agreement
- Add an internal contact
- Add a controlling license
- Add a future license
- Add a historical license
- Add an external license
- Add an organization
- Add an Agreement period to an Agreement record / Add multiple agreement periods
- Handling Agreement periods (eHoldings / internal local KB)
- Add a supplementary document to an Agreement record
- Add supplementary properties to an Agreement record
- Add a related Agreement to an Agreement record
- Add Usage Data Provider to an agreement
- Add an Agreement line to an Agreement record
- eholdings
- internal KB
- unlinked Agreement Line
- Add Notes (Helper App) (assign/unassign) (created afterwards - not in Agreement edit mode)
- Edit an Agreement
- Delete an Agreement
- Duplicate an Agreement
- Add Tags to Agreement records (maybe link to Tags documentation, because used FOLIO wide, if there is a separate documentation)
- Export an Agreement
- Export all the e-resources only (internal KB)
- Export an Agreement record with eHoldings resource
- Manage resources joining or leaving a package
- Add a package to an existing Agreement
- View an agreement from an eholdings package record
- View an Agreement Line
- edit
- add a PO Line
- Remove a PO Line
- delete an Agreement Line
- assign notes
- Create a new Agreement and attach a package
- Create an Agreement and attach a title in a package
- Delete an Agreement Line
- Duplicate an Agreement
- Cancel an Agreement
- Close an Agreement
- Search and filter for an Agreement
- name
- alternative name
- description
- Search and filter for E-resources (internal KB only)
- Search and filter for Platforms (internal KB only)
- Find agreements that have the status of "In Negotiation"
- Set an Agreement to Status = Close and set Reason for closure
- Localisation of URLs
- Create a License
- add an internal contact
- add an organization
- add license terms
- add a core document
- add a supplementary document to a License record
- to add later to documentation: add an Agreement // can you link an agreement from licenses?
- Delete a License
- Edit a License
- Duplicate a license
- Terms: create in settings, filter licenses by terms, edit/delete a term
- Export licenses (CSV export)
- Add an amendment
- Add a core document
- Add terms
- Edit an amendment
- Delete an amendment
ERM comparisons
Local KB admin