2022-03-09 - ERM meeting

2022-03-09 - ERM meeting

Meeting Time:    8 am EST /  2 pm CET / 1 pm UK

Call in Number:     https://zoom.us/j/995679876 

Meeting URLhttps://zoom.us/j/995679876 Password needed: please see link below



ERM SIG Folio Wiki: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ERMSIG/

Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17X3tr6siZH8iS07kGcjAqUNl01zVrJmB

Terms and definitions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vue-mbcULpZivWu69a7nAZEdC-H2yXPQqSblbL_0J6U

Slack Channel: # erm-team

Agenda March 9th 2022

Convener: Martina S.

Notetaker: Martina T.


  • All: Please edit the attendees list below and indicate when you are there!
  • Next ERM meeting:  March 23rd
  • all questions and topics for the ERM implementers meeting can be posted on this confluence page: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SABS
  • Open discuss posts: right now no new posts regarding erm
  • PC minutes Feb 24th

Agenda items

  1. Development progress -  ERM Sprint 135
  2. Update on Lotus release
  3. Implementers topics
    1. Agreements: Add ability to search over all indexed fields with one search (line 53)
    2. Preset filters when opening the app (line 54)


  • ERM SIG schedule changes to biweekly meetings – next meeting March 23rd due to daylight saving time one hour earlier for Europeans

  • Development progress -  ERM Sprint 135
    • ERM Sprint 135 – first sprint after lotus module release deadline

    • Bug fest next week: reach out to Anton Emelianov if you would like to test in Bug fest and are new to Bug fest

    • Issue ERM-2042 Duplicating agreement/license inc. documents moves files from original to new agreement/license - bug in Lotus code causing some issues when duplicating documents agreement/license, work on bug fix and maybe available before bug fest

    • Plans for Morning Glory - Update will be schedule for an ERM SIG meeting

    • New layout for supplementary properties in Settings Agreements/Licenses

      • Search and Filter list of terms

      • Create new properties – create button in the upper right corner – modal will display for entering

      • If you click on a row, 4th pane will open with details with Actions menu

    • Open access App: APC – article processing charges - where libraries is managing those payments, charges and requests

    • Those requests can be part of Agreements “Read and publish” - Subscribe to content and also publish (discount or certain number of free articles)
    • Settings of Agreements: “Context” field for categorization

    • More flexible approach can define those supplementary properties on tenant level

    • Split out in supplementary properties and open access properties in accordions in Agreements

    • Open Access requests in Open Access App can be linked to an Agreement

    • Basic agreements information is displayed in open access request, list of open access properties will be added there in the future

    • Kristin (chat): Could you remind me what the Order Weight is and does?

      • The higher the number in “order weight” – the lower in display - for sorting purposes

      • Negative number lower than zero

      • Primary properties will sort above those not primary

    • Felix (chat): We use the order weight to group terms that belong together and sort them in the license record.

    • Sara: not value were set and it was displayed

      • primary properties = expect to be filled in, but not compulsory, sorts to the top and always displayed even not being set 
      • Not primary properties and not set an value = no display in Agreement

    • Sara: 5C have to agree on primary properties

    • Martina S.: If you enter a note for the value that is not set, would that display here? 
      • you have to put a value in, you cannot save it otherwise 
    • Sara: Public note and visibility (public/internal) is confusing 
    • Jack: not using licenses public note is used as additional internal note field

    • The visibility (internal/public) – intention was to display the supplementary property to the public and if there is a public note it would be displayed

    • Worth another discussion 
    • Adding date type to those properties - List of options for type (decimal, integer, text, refdata) with are dates (this sprint) and Booleans (truth and false) being added

    • And multi value option is planned for morning glory

    • ERM-2045 Extend Package data model to store additional information - Extending the information we can record about a package for internal KB 

  • Implementers' topics
    • Sara (chat): Just wondering about #39 about adding a filter for Supp Docs to Agreements--is that going to come in Morning Glory??

      • haven’t discussed this for morning glory yet
    • 53: Agreements: Add ability to search over all indexed fields with one search
      • Two parts: Felix’s issue (1.) + broader discussion about search and collect search enhancements (2.)

      • (1.) Type in multiple words to the search – search is looking for appearing in a single field
        • Two words have to be in the same field, searching across all fields

        • user expectations: it does not matter if the words are in the same field - agreed

      • (2.) Other kinds of search enhancement
        • Sara (chat):  Yes, searching for just our own Agreements is a big problem for us in the 5C. MH appears in Amherst etc etc

        • Felix (chat): Before we dig deeper -- are there plans to switch to ES like other apps are doing. This would effect our outcome

        • Owen prefers to get use cases regarding search, since there are a lot of questions about using elastic search

        • Felix: Agreements is also e-resources and Agreement Lines - very complex

        • Sara: different segmented buttons for search in agreement and agreement lines like in inventory instance, holding and item? To search agreement lines

        • try and collect use cases and description how to search and why - How you want to use search in relation to Agreements?
        • In Dashboard - checking which fields are searched when doing a filter

        • Searching for “Agreement line resource name” is different from decide to search in name, alternative name or description

        • What are the key things and priorities?

        • Felix, Sara, Jack agreed on providing use cases – a document will be prepared for collecting use cases

    • 54: Preset filters when opening the app
      • Agreements and Licenses when you open the App there is a set of preset filters which automatically apply and there is already a search

      • Most other apps require a search before results are there

      • Felix suggested to revisit this topic

      • Martina S. had a feedback from implementers, if this could be reduced to only “active”?

      • At the moment: Active, In negotiation, Requested, Draft (not closed)

      • Feedback on search or something is already set?

      • Julie (chat): Ideally, each user could set their preferred default filter, but I'm sure that's far too complex at this time!

      • Jack: we have 1800 Agreements so browsing is not an option. In Organizations I can hit active and then do a keyword search

      • Sara: What happens if you forget that it is preset? Searching for the closed Agreements and cannot find it, because “closed” is not preset – like to choose before search

      • Will discuss it again and Owen will put together some options for the group to comment on


Von Martina Schildt an alle 02:08 PM
Information on Lotus bug fest: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FTC/Bug+Fest+R1+2022+Lotus
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:10 PM
This looks amazing Owen. So much better than the current solution.
Von Julie Brannon (she/her) an alle 02:10 PM
+1 Felix
Von Kristin Martin (Library; she/her) an alle 02:12 PM
Could you remind me what the Order Weight is and does?
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:15 PM
We use the order weight to group terms that belong together and sort them in the license record.
Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:23 PM
Internal to FOLIO should not be defined as Public
Von Jack Mulvaney an alle 02:32 PM
I'm pretty sure her response covers it
Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:33 PM
Just wondering about #39 about adding a filter for Supp Docs to Agreements--is that going to come in Morning Glory??
Yes, searching for just our own Agreements is a big problem for us in the 5C. MH appears in Amherst etc etc
Von Jack Mulvaney an alle 02:41 PM
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 02:41 PM
Before we dig deeper -- are there plans to switch to ES like other apps are doing. This would effect our outcome
Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:41 PM
Jack/5C all together
But even before Elastic Search, in Inventory there was a drop down with specific Indexed fields to be able to search and that would be a great improvement in AG
Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:55 PM
Just to capture it now in the chat, since it counters a bit what I said a bit ago: AGLs are not always linked via eHoldings, I have many that are not linked, and those then cannot be searched on at all
Von Martina Schildt an alle 02:57 PM
Thanks Sara, this will be captured in the notes and we will come back to it to try to improve the need.
Von Julie Brannon (she/her) an alle 02:57 PM
Ideally, each user could set their preferred default filter, but I'm sure that's far too complex at this time!
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle 03:01 PM
Owen, are you interested in our issues at ZBW with the current pre-active filters? I'll DM you
Von Jack Mulvaney an alle 03:02 PM
I think my only strong feeling is that search should work as similarly across FOLIO as possible - not something ERM on it's own

Attendees list



Home Organization

Aaron Neslin


Abigail Wickes

Duke University Libraries

Alaina Deane


Alice Daugherty

University of Alabama

Alissa HafeleStanford University

Alistair Morrison

Johns Hopkins University Libraries

Amanda Cornwell

Johns Hopkins University Libraries

Amelia Sutton


Andrea Meindl

UB Regensburg

Ann-Marie Breaux


Annika Schröer

UB Leipzig

Annika Zierhut

Anu Moorthy


Anya Arnold



Beate Aretz

Benjamin Ahlborn

SuUB Bremen

Birgit Neumann

Björn Muschall

UB Leipzig

xCarol Sterenberg

Carole Godfrey


Catherine Tuohy

Emmanuel College 

Charlotte Whitt

Index Data


Claudia Malzer

ULB Darmstadt, Developer

Dennis Bridges


xDorothe KuglerUB Mainz

Dwayne Swigert

Missouri State University


Emma Raub 


Eric Hartnett

Texas A&M University


Felix Hemme

ZBW Kiel

Frances Webb

Cornell, Developer

Gang ZhouShanghai Library

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int

Gisela Weinerth

SUB Hamburg

Heather MacFarlane

Heather Thoele

Texas A&M University

Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jack Mulvaney


Jag Goraya



Janet Ewing

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Jenna Lantermann

Five Colleges / Smith College 

Jenna Strawbridge



Jessica Harris


Jir Shin Boey

Missouri State University

Joe Sikowitz

Fenway Library Organization

Johanna RaddingFive Colleges / Amherst College

Julie Brannon


Kathleen Berry

UMass Amherst


Kathleen Norton

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Katrin Brüggemann

UB Leipzig

Khalilah Gambrell


Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen

Kristen Wilson

Index Data


Kristin Martin


Kyle Banerjee


Lars-Hakan Herbertsson


Laura Wright

Cornell University

Laurenz KernStabi Berlin

Lindsey Lowry

University of Alabama

Luca Lanzillo

Sapienza Library System - Sapienza University of Rome

Mara Egherman


xMaria Taylor

Marie Widigson


Mariyam Thorhira

Johns Hopkins University Libraries

Marjorie Snyder

Mark Arnold

Missouri State University

Mark Deutsch


Martin Scholz

Martina Karlsson



Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne

Mary O’Brien

Matthieu Bordet

DMCultura, Ravenna, Italy

Mohammad AlhamadMissouri State University

Molly Driscoll


Moritz Horn

VZG, Göttingen


Nancy Finn


Nancy Pelis

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Norma Flores

Texas A&M University

Olga Harder

TIB Hannover


Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Paul Trumble



Peter Böhm

HeBIS, Frankfurt

Peter McCracken


xRobert ScheierCollege of the Holy Cross

Rüdiger Stratmann

IAI SPK Berlin

Sabine Howahl

ULB Darmstadt

Sabrina Bayer

UB Regensburg


Sara Colglazier

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library


Sarah Dennis

Texas A&M University

Sarah Morgenstern-Einenkel

UB Leipzig

Scott Stangroom


Siobhan McManamon

Five Colleges / Smith College

Sobha Duvvuri


Stephani KaceliCairn University

Stew MacLehose

University of New England

Susanne Schuster

BSZ Konstanz


Tatjana Clemens

UB Frankfurt

Theodor Tolstoi

Chalmers, EBSCO

Tracy Patton

Missouri State University

Virginia Martin

Duke University Libraries

Xiaoyan (Yan) Song


Yvonne Mönkediek

SuUB Bremen