- Modify Text in Delete Confirmation PopupUX-77Resolved issue: UX-77Kimie Kester
- UX: Check out - update fields for display after item is scannedUX-75Resolved issue: UX-75Kimie Kester
- UX: Create Mockups for Search and Select Fields and Buttons on CheckoutUX-73Resolved issue: UX-73Kimie Kester
- UX: Show Proxy Section as Read-Only on Preview PaneUX-71Resolved issue: UX-71Kimie Kester
- UX: Mockup for User Full Edit Page with More SectionsUX-70Resolved issue: UX-70Kimie Kester
- UX: Proxy Assignment: Remove Related TransactionsUX-69Resolved issue: UX-69Kimie Kester
- UX: Update to Universal Navigation v1 prototypeUX-68Resolved issue: UX-68Filip Jakobsen
- UX: Create Mock-Up for Fees/Fines History (Open/Closed/All)UX-65Resolved issue: UX-65Darcy Branchini
- UX: Create Mock-Ups for Charge Manual Fee/FineUX-61Resolved issue: UX-61Kimie Kester
- UX: User Page Layout with Many FieldsUX-40Resolved issue: UX-40Kimie Kester
- Read-only mode for Proxy Permissions.UIU-246Resolved issue: UIU-246John Coburn
- Create Read Only Mode for the Proxy Section on the User Record Preview PaneUIU-243Resolved issue: UIU-243John Coburn
- "Proxy Permissions" Section Should be "Proxy"UIU-236Resolved issue: UIU-236Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Title Should be Link to Instance RecordUIU-234Resolved issue: UIU-234Michal Kuklis
- Display Count When Loans Section is CollapsedUIU-233Resolved issue: UIU-233Michal Kuklis
- Display Count When Proxy Section is CollapsedUIU-232Resolved issue: UIU-232Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Remove Return Date Column from Open Loans TabUIU-225Resolved issue: UIU-225Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Display Number of LoansUIU-218Resolved issue: UIU-218Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Add Borrower Name and Patron Group to Page HeaderUIU-215Resolved issue: UIU-215Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Support Bulk Renew on LoansUIU-214Resolved issue: UIU-214Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Barcode Should be Link to Item RecordUIU-213Resolved issue: UIU-213Michal Kuklis
- Loans: Title Should WrapUIU-212Resolved issue: UIU-212Michal Kuklis
- Wire and Translate Users App Into GermanUIU-202Resolved issue: UIU-202Julian Ladisch
- User with "Users: Can view user profile" can edit addressUIU-174Resolved issue: UIU-174Mike Taylor
- Permission Set for Patron Group CRUDUIU-130Resolved issue: UIU-130Mike Taylor
- Permissions, once created, are listed as blankUIU-113Resolved issue: UIU-113Mike Taylor
- Create Request Results in Error in Folio-testingUIREQ-20Resolved issue: UIREQ-20Matt Connolly
- Integrate Notes Feature with RequestsUIREQ-16Resolved issue: UIREQ-16Matt Connolly
- Filter Requests by TypeUIREQ-13Resolved issue: UIREQ-13Matt Connolly
- Search Requests v1UIREQ-11Resolved issue: UIREQ-11Matt Connolly
- Requests: Edit v1UIREQ-8Resolved issue: UIREQ-8Matt Connolly
- New configuration fields for SSOUIORG-25Resolved issue: UIORG-25Katalin Lovagné Szűcs
- View Instance Details v1UIIN-4Resolved issue: UIIN-4Niels Erik Nielsen
- Instances Search Results v1UIIN-1Resolved issue: UIIN-1Niels Erik Nielsen
- CRU Fixed Due Date SchedulesUICIRC-20Resolved issue: UICIRC-20Zak Burke
- Add Real Loan Rule Parameters and ValuesUICIRC-17Resolved issue: UICIRC-17Michal Kuklis
- User Search and Select Widget Should Be Filtered to Display Active Users Only By DefaultUICHKOUT-8Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-8Jeremy Huff
- Search and Select User on Check-Out ScreenUICHKOUT-7Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-7Jeremy Huff
- Checkout: Patron InfoUICHKOUT-5Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-5Michal Kuklis
- lookup user when @user tagging notesSTSMACOM-4Resolved issue: STSMACOM-4Zak Burke
- folio-testing regressions: multiple copies of plugin-find-user and usersSTRIPES-478Resolved issue: STRIPES-478Zak Burke
- Implement stripes.runModuleSTRIPES-464Resolved issue: STRIPES-464Jeremy Huff
- Implement stripes.getParams and stripes.setParamsSTRIPES-463Resolved issue: STRIPES-463Jeremy Huff
- Factor out shared code in search-based modulesSTRIPES-462Resolved issue: STRIPES-462Mike Taylor
- approach for maintaining URL params when embedding apps/componentsSTRIPES-452Resolved issue: STRIPES-452Jeremy Huff
- rxjs operators are missing / side effects failingSTCOR-82Resolved issue: STCOR-82Michal Kuklis
- /about should report on enabled modules and/or installed modulesSTCOR-69Resolved issue: STCOR-69Zak Burke
- Root.defaultProps specified twice.STCOR-47Resolved issue: STCOR-47Mike Taylor
- LocalResource prefixes store keys as "@folio/users-" while RESTResource uses "folio_users_"STCON-36Resolved issue: STCON-36Jason Skomorowski
- expose GET action in stripes-connectSTCON-33Resolved issue: STCON-33Jason Skomorowski
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