Purpose: To implement a first pass at user tagging support in the Notes feature. Implementing this feature will allow us to test the new notifications feature
Given the Notes feature
When I enter @ and begin typing a name
Then FOLIO will auto-suggest matching users (per Filip should provide matches on first name, last name and username)
NOTE: we may eventually want to filter the list of users you can tag to only include active users who are FOLIO operators, but lets just start by allowing tagging of any user
These days, you have to do a search, or select a filter, before the Users module will show you anything. That was the purpose of UIU-399.
patty.wanninger March 6, 2018 at 9:24 PM
I just found out how to see the users in testing - I need to pick the Active Status and then 153 records showed up. I am getting autosuggest as you say; it looks like they are the actual usernames from within the module. So I am closing the ticket.
It's not yet on folio-snapshot-stable because it was merged yesterday afternoon but the nightly tests failed due to a problem with a backend module, thus folio-snapshot-stable was not updated and it still points to a release from before the merge. There are users on folio-testing, but you may need to apply a filter first in order to see them. This is due to ongoing work on https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/STSMACOM-64#icft=STSMACOM-64 which is still in progress.
patty.wanninger March 6, 2018 at 8:44 PM
This is not working in folo-snapshot-stable; there are no users in folio-testing.
Purpose: To implement a first pass at user tagging support in the Notes feature. Implementing this feature will allow us to test the new notifications feature
Given the Notes feature
When I enter @ and begin typing a name
Then FOLIO will auto-suggest matching users (per Filip should provide matches on first name, last name and username)
NOTE: we may eventually want to filter the list of users you can tag to only include active users who are FOLIO operators, but lets just start by allowing tagging of any user