Checkout: Patron Info
Potential Workaround
- 09 Oct 2017, 09:02 PM
- 09 Oct 2017, 03:37 PM
- 20 Sep 2017, 11:18 AM
- 20 Sep 2017, 11:18 AM
- 20 Sep 2017, 11:18 AM
- 20 Sep 2017, 11:17 AM
- 07 Sep 2017, 01:49 PM
- 07 Sep 2017, 01:49 PM
- 07 Sep 2017, 01:49 PM
- 07 Sep 2017, 01:49 PM
- 29 Aug 2017, 06:24 PM
is blocked by
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hideTestRail: Results
Cate Boerema January 31, 2018 at 1:05 PM
@Holly Mistlebauer, do you remember if you tested that the proxy relationship status was having an effect on whether the popup displayed and/or what names it contained? I am seeing that the proxy relationship status is now ignored and the popup displays and shows the names of all sponsors, regardless of status. Trying to understand if that's a regression or not.
Anyway, I think it's a moot point, as UX now wants us to display the name of inactive sponsors just greyed out (per
Michal Kuklis November 2, 2017 at 1:03 PM
I believe the fix should be now in place for this.
Michal Kuklis October 23, 2017 at 3:44 PMEdited
Ah so I think the popup has been fixed and is correctly showing the sponsors based on the feedback from Holly but it looks like we have to swap the patron with the proxy on the checkout screen based on the @Cate Boerema's recorded screencast and the feedback from @Zak Burke. @Holly Mistlebauer could you please confirm this and I will make a quick change.
Thank you all!
Michal Kuklis October 23, 2017 at 3:33 PMEdited
Hi everyone,
This has been changed couple weeks ago and is currently working as Holly described in one of the comments above. I'm bringing it here again:
"Michal, I just confirmed with the RA SIG that the pop up box should list the SPONSORS for the user whose card has been scanned, not the PROXIES. This is how I originally had this defined and it should be changed back. Let me explain what is what.
If you look up user id carrie (patron name Lincoln), you will see that the patron has 3 SPONSORS and 3 PROXIES. The SPONSORS are people who have specified that Lincoln can act on their behalf. They have sponsored Lincoln as a proxy. When Lincoln's ID is scanned at the circulation desk, he needs to be asked if he is acting for himself or on behalf of one of this 3 SPONSORS (Lindsay, Mercedes, Columbus).
The 3 people listed at Lincoln's PROXIES are people who can act on Lincoln's behalf. Lincoln has sponsored them as his proxies. If Ian, Trudie, or Ruthie have their ID scanned at the circulation desk they will be asked if they are acting for themselves or on behalf of Lincoln (they may also be proxies for other people)."
Holly Mistlebauer October 23, 2017 at 3:18 PM
Michael had this backward and was going to change it. I thought he already had. Please check with him.
Purpose: To display pertinent patron information at checkout time. There are two scenarios presented here. One for a regular patron and one for a patron acting as a proxy for another patron. Out of scope for this story are various other situations that may be encountered at checkout time that still need to be developed. For example, a patron may be blocked from checking out books due to having incurred over a set amount of overdue fines, having checked out the maximum number of items already, etc.
1. Scenario
Given a patron who is has no active relationships in the Proxy > Sponsor section of User Details
When selected on the Checkout page
Then display Checkout Patron Info w/o Proxy
2. Scenario
Given a patron who has at least one active relationship in the Proxy > Sponsor section of User Details
When selected on the Checkout page
Then display Proxy Pop-up
3. Scenario
Given Proxy Pop-Up
When displayed
Then display the information as shown in checkout-popup-1.png
Only active sponsors are listed.
Self is the default.
Continue button must be pressed to move forward--enter key cannot be used in place of mouse click.
4. Scenario
Given Proxy Pop-up
When Self selected
Then display Checkout Patron Info w/o Proxy
5. Scenario
Given Proxy Pop-up
When Sponsor selected
Then display Checkout Patron Info w/ Proxy
6. Scenario
Given Checkout Patron Info w/o Proxy
When displayed
Then display the information as shown in checkout-borrower-1.png / checkout-borrower-no-pic.png
In scope for this story:
Borrower - name of person loan will be associated with. Display as <last name>, <first name>. If there is no first name display <last name> only without a comma. Name will link to user details if the current user has rights to view that page.
Barcode - barcode of person loan will be associated with. If blank, display "-". Barcode will link to user details if the current user has rights to view that page.
Patron group - patron group associated with above patron.
Status (was Institution status) - status associated with above patron.
User expiration - expiration date associated with above patron. Should be locale driven. If blank, display "-".
Items loaned - number of open loans. If > 0 then this links to Open Loans tab of Loans page for patron if current user has rights to view that page.
Out of scope for this story:
Overdues - How many items this patron has checked out that are overdue. If > 0 then this links to list of overdue items.
Recalled - Number of items this patron has checked out that have been recalled. If > 0 then this links to list of recalled items.
Open Requests - Number of open requests made by the patron. If > 0 then this links to list of open requests.
Items Available - Number of physical items available at any library location. If > 0 then this links to list of items available.
at this location - Number of physical items available at the unit library the patron is standing in. If > 0 then this links to list of items available at that unit library.
Fines Owed - Total number of outstanding fees/fines owned by the patron. If > 0 then this links to Open Fees/Fines tabs of Fees/Fines page.
7. Scenario
Given Checkout Patron Info w/ Proxy
When displayed
Then display the information as shown in checkout-patron-1.png / checkout-patron-no-pic-1.png
In scope for this story:
See Scenario 6 for Borrower section
Proxy - name of person whose card was scanned and who has permission to act in place of the borrower, who is not present. Display as <last name>, <first name>. If there is no first name display <last name> only without a comma. Name will link to user details if the current user has rights to view that page.
Barcode - barcode of above proxy. If blank, display "-". Barcode will link to user details if the current user has rights to view that page.
Patron group - patron group associated with above proxy.
Status (was Institution status) - status associated with above proxy.
User expiration - expiration date of institution status associated with above proxy. Should be locale driven. If blank, display "-".
Proxy expiration - expiration date of proxy relationship. Should be locale driven. If blank, display "-".
Out of scope for this story:
See Scenario 6 for Borrower section