When clicking View All for a list of results that take you to another app then display in context search and selected filters
AND show what happens when you drill into a page like user Loans and Loan Details (no X button, breadcrumbs instead)
Also please include headings pane for navigating within a record (on both the preview view and the full-page view mode) so people get a feeling for what the entire layout will feel like (CB: visible only within the Users app...)
And, also what happens if you click on the Fine link from Loans and want to get back to the Loans page? (Clicking the link takes you to a filtered view of the Fines page (very much like the Loans page) OR, if there is only one fine, directly to the Fine Details page (very much like Loan Details).
Removed a scenario as I think it can be covered as part of . Marking this closed.
Filip Jakobsen October 12, 2017 at 3:42 PM
Cate Boerema October 12, 2017 at 9:35 AM
My understanding is that it will be used in both the view modes as well as create/edit modes for records. Here you see a mockup with it showing on a full-page edit.
Cate Boerema October 12, 2017 at 9:33 AM
I'm calling this thing the "heading pane". Let me know if there is a better term for it!
#1 has been added using the correct mode for that, although it searches for the wrong text. We will fix the word in 3rd iteration. #2 We will add to 3rd iteration #3 I am not sure I understand what this means — can you elaborate, ? #4 We will add to 3rd iteration
We should be able to put out a third iteration Monday EOD with all of the above changes.
Action Item from UX3 Montreal Dev Session:
*Update to Universal Navigation v1 prototype *
When clicking View All for a list of results that take you to another app then display in context search and selected filters
AND show what happens when you drill into a page like user Loans and Loan Details (no X button, breadcrumbs instead)
Also please include headings pane for navigating within a record (on both the preview view and the full-page view mode) so people get a feeling for what the entire layout will feel like (CB: visible only within the Users app...)
And, also what happens if you click on the Fine link from Loans and want to get back to the Loans page? (Clicking the link takes you to a filtered view of the Fines page (very much like the Loans page) OR, if there is only one fine, directly to the Fine Details page (very much like Loan Details).