Overview: Title associated with a loan isn't wrapping which causes the page to scroll horizontally.
Steps to Repro:
Log into folio-testing
Checkout an item with a very long title to a user (I used "Grammaire comparée du grec et du latin. Phonétique et étude des formes grecques et latines, par O. Riemann & H. Goelzer.")
Go to the user record and than click to view open loans
Actual: The title doesn't wrap and the page scrolls horizontally. When the horizontal scrollbar displays, the actions menu can't be displayed when opened. If removing the scrollbar doesn't fix that problem, let's file a separate issue for it. See attached.
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
TestRail: Results
Cate Boerema October 6, 2017 at 5:32 PM
Okay, the title wraps now which is great, but the page layout has gone a bit bonkers :o I guess I'll close this one and create a new bug for the new layout problem. Thanks!
Michal Kuklis September 27, 2017 at 9:08 AM
I made a small change which should address the actions menu not being displayed.
Overview: Title associated with a loan isn't wrapping which causes the page to scroll horizontally.
Steps to Repro:
Log into folio-testing
Checkout an item with a very long title to a user (I used "Grammaire comparée du grec et du latin. Phonétique et étude des formes grecques et latines, par O. Riemann & H. Goelzer.")
Go to the user record and than click to view open loans
Expected: Title should wrap so the page does not scroll horizontally. For reference, the latest Loans wireframe can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/owyyqih5euj12jt/loan-history-open-4.png?dl=0
Actual: The title doesn't wrap and the page scrolls horizontally. When the horizontal scrollbar displays, the actions menu can't be displayed when opened. If removing the scrollbar doesn't fix that problem, let's file a separate issue for it. See attached.