- Backport UXPROD-4723 in RamsonsUIU-3359Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Location and staff related tokens do not pass data in Due date receiptUIU-3358
- Users Actions menu options are in incorrect orderUIU-3357Resolved issue: UIU-3357
- Fix Jest coverage reportUIU-3356Resolved issue: UIU-3356Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Release ui-users v Sunflower BugFix Release (R1 2025)UIU-3353Resolved issue: UIU-3353Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Expiration date is off by 1 day in different time zoneUIU-3352Nikolai_Litvinenko
- User status displays as Active when expired yesterdayUIU-3351Polina Ustimenko
- Error toasts when opening a user for edit without having "User Roles" capability setUIU-3350Ryan Berger
- Upgrade jspdf to v3 for security-updateUIU-3347Resolved issue: UIU-3347John Coburn
- "Field is required." warning appears under non-empty multiselect custom fieldUIU-3346
- Release: Sunflower - ui-usersUIU-3342Resolved issue: UIU-3342Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Change radio buttons into drop-down in Settings > Users > Number generator optionsUIU-3341Martina Tumulla
- Enhancement help text on Settings > Users > Number generator optionsUIU-3340Martina Tumulla
- Spike: Analysis and estimation of UXPROD-2491 (front-end)UIU-3338Resolved issue: UIU-3338Nikolai_Litvinenko
- User pane opening causes errorUIU-3336Resolved issue: UIU-3336
- "Preferred email communications" field clicking causes errorUIU-3335Resolved issue: UIU-3335Irina Pokhylets
- replace moment with day.jsUIU-3334
- Detail page not immediately updated after editing user rolesUIU-3333Resolved issue: UIU-3333Yury Barsukou
- New fields should be included when printing a due-date receiptUIU-3332Resolved issue: UIU-3332Mike Taylor
- Save button not always enabled when saving roles to multiple affiliationsUIU-3331Resolved issue: UIU-3331Ryan Berger
- Assigned roles are not sorted in user edit view when roles assigned via roles UI or via APIUIU-3355Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Make pop up windows moveableUIU-3330
- SPIKE: Implement support for loans without item for Loan DetailUIU-3329Resolved issue: UIU-3329Artem Blazhko
- migrate react-intl to v7UIU-3328Resolved issue: UIU-3328Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIU-3327Resolved issue: UIU-3327Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUIU-3326Resolved issue: UIU-3326
- Pronouns Field - Character Limit WarningUIU-3324Resolved issue: UIU-3324Amelia Sutton
- SPIKE: Implement support for loans without item for Loan DetailUIU-3319Resolved issue: UIU-3319Artem Blazhko
- "Expiration date" is not set from patron group when non-default locale is appliedUIU-3318Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Ramsons (Eureka): Error with preregistration create/merge actionUIU-3315Resolved issue: UIU-3315Irina Pokhylets
- ECS | "Affiliations" accordion should not be displayed on patron user details paneUIU-3314Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Release v11.0.11 (Ramsons Bug Fix R2 2024)UIU-3313Resolved issue: UIU-3313Dmitriy Litvinenko
- EditContactInfo does not supply unique key for preferredEmailCommunicationOptionsUIU-3312Resolved issue: UIU-3312Zak Burke
- Patron block is not triggered automaticallyUIU-3311Resolved issue: UIU-3311Alexander Kurash
- Missing permissionsUIU-3309Resolved issue: UIU-3309Dmitriy Litvinenko
- [Eureka] Hide an affiliation accordion for system usersUIU-3308Resolved issue: UIU-3308Dennis Bridges
- SPIKE: Return appropriate error message when item for manual fee/fine can't be foundUIU-3307Resolved issue: UIU-3307Artem Blazhko
- Ramsons BF ReleaseUIU-3306Resolved issue: UIU-3306Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Testing of LC patron registration Part 2 - changes in External system IDUIU-3304Resolved issue: UIU-3304Irina Pokhylets
- Layout of FOLIO existing user records with matching email is shifted on first openUIU-3303
- Create/Edit a Patron Block - HTML page title follow this format - <<App name>> - <<selected page name>> - FOLIOUIU-3302Resolved issue: UIU-3302Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Improve capability sets for role assignment/unassignmentUIU-3301Resolved issue: UIU-3301Craig McNally
- Fix wrong design pattern for "Create block" buttonUIU-3300Resolved issue: UIU-3300Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Release Ramsons BugfixUIU-3299Resolved issue: UIU-3299Tetiana Gusar
- Permissions are not loaded right after assigning all permissions to newly created userUIU-3298Resolved issue: UIU-3298
- Release v11.0.8UIU-3297Resolved issue: UIU-3297Artem Blazhko
- Missing permissions to add manual blockUIU-3305Resolved issue: UIU-3305Amelia Sutton
- "Patron preregistration record results" page is smashed on re-openUIU-3292
- Permissions error when adding a Fee-Fine via the User's app and Check-in.UIU-3291Resolved issue: UIU-3291Artem Blazhko
- Release v11.0.7UIU-3289Resolved issue: UIU-3289Artem Blazhko
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