Ramsons (Eureka): Error with preregistration create/merge action


Description: The merge action from patron preregistration search fails with an error, seemingly related to lack of address data in the preregistration record (based on the underlying error).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open https://eureka-bugfest-ramsons-consortium.int.aws.folio.org/

  2. Open the Users app.

  3. Click Actions > Search patron reregistration records

  4. Search for polina14@mail.com

  5. Click ‘New’ next to the record that appears

  6. Click ‘Merge’ next to the record for Test, Merge

Expected result: New record is created with merged data. Original record: 64ffbff5-a368-44d7-97e9-097b17fb8b47

Actual result: Red toast message: Something went wrong. Please try again later. Developer tools error: 500 Cannot invoke "org.folio.rest.jaxrs.model.AddressInfo.getCountry()" because "addressInfo" is null

Additional information: This error also appears when attempting to create a new user from a preregistration record when address data is missing.

Since addresses are not required on a user record, it seems undesirable to have the absence of this information prevent taking action on a preregistration record.

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround






Molly Driscoll January 21, 2025 at 2:28 PM

Thank you for the follow-up, Irina! I’m glad this is a data error rather than a bug.

Irina Pokhylets January 20, 2025 at 11:14 AM

Hi Molly,
This issue occurs due to incomplete test data. Your test record does not include an address. This cannot be a real case, as preregistration data is filled out in Locate, and address fields are mandatory (in Locate). Therefore, preregistration records in FOLIO will always contain an address. We have added new test records with all fields, please try checking with those. A similar defect has already been reported—here is the ticket for your reference.

Won't Do





Development Team


RCA Group


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs

Created January 17, 2025 at 3:28 PM
Updated January 21, 2025 at 2:28 PM
Resolved January 20, 2025 at 11:14 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs