Planned improvements for V2 of the view specified in .
Charlotte Whitt November 30, 2017 at 11:30 AM
"Discovery" and "Staff View' is out of scope for alpha. When checked mark, the instance record is not to be shown in the Discovery layer, and in 'Staff view' - but of course visible in Inventory. @Jakub has created View Instance Details v2. It would be great if you started on it, and then I add to it. Thanks
Niels Erik Nielsen November 30, 2017 at 9:59 AM
The labels "Discovery" and "Staff View" in the UX are not the same as in the Wiki specs. It also seems the true/false logic is reversed?
Niels Erik Nielsen November 30, 2017 at 9:49 AM
Oh, identifiers need to be sorted by identifier type. All right.
Finally we have the fields not yet implemented in the back-end. We already discussed 'date added to FOLIO' but there are also "discovery", "staff view", "previously held".
Would it make sense to create a new issue, "v2", with all the specs and adjustments discussed here, and blocked by the required back-end changes also discussed here? (I can create it if you like)
Charlotte Whitt November 30, 2017 at 9:29 AM
Thanks - I noticed that 'New York' were back in the instance record for Bridget Jones ...
Yes, the labels to be named as in the spec on wiki and the screen-shot
For multiple publishers then the display in the UI would be like:
publisher 1: Publisher, Place of Publication (Publication Date)
publisher 2: Publisher, Place of Publication (Publication Date)
Re. Identifiers, will be line by line for different identifier types. The UX screen here, is two different ISBN numbers. So there shouldn't be any differences between this story and .
Purpose: To begin work on the Instance detail record in FOLIO
As a librarian
I want to be able to view an instance record
So I can see key details of the instance
Given the Instances app
When an instance is selected
The view mode/preview pane should display (same pattern as used for Users, Items and Requests)
The data elements from the "Bib Metadata for Inventory" section of this page should display: