CRU Fixed Due Date Schedules


Purpose: To implement Fixed Due Date Schedule CRU (delete is in separate story). Fixed due dates are used in Loan Policies so this is a prerequisite to the completion of Loan Policy CRUD. More background on how this is used below.


  1. Scenario

    • Given the Circulation section of FOLIO Settings

    • When displayed

    • Then a new sub-section should display for Fixed due date schedules

  2. Scenario

    • Given the Fixed due date schedules section

    • When selected

    • Then a list of existing Fixed due date schedules should display

      • Sort order is alphabetical by name (case insensitive)

      • Header should include a "+ New" button

  3. Scenario

    • Given a Fixed due date schedule

    • When selected from the list

    • Then a read-only "preview pane" should display

      • Header: <FixedDueDateScheduleName>

      • Body: read-only view of the data described below

      • Functions

        • Pull down arrow next to the <FixedDueDateScheduleName> offers option to edit

        • X in upper left closes the preview pane

  4. Scenario

    • Given the "+ New" button

    • When clicked

    • Then a full-page Create form should open

  5. Scenario

    • Given the menu next to the <FixedDueDateScheduleName> in the header

    • When Edit is selected

    • Then a full-page Edit form should open

  6. Scenario

    • Given the Create or Edit page

    • When displayed

    • Then the the following details should display:

      • About section

        • Fixed due date schedule name* - Required, text

        • Description - Optional, text area

      • Schedule section

        • Section label: Schedule

        • Repeatable field set:

          • Date from - date picker

          • Date to - date picker

          • Due date - date picker

  7. Scenario

    • Given the Create new fixed due date schedule form

    • When the schedule section is displayed

    • Then two blank rows should appear

  8. Scenario

    • Given the Schedule section

    • When displayed

    • Then an "Add row" button should appear as shown in the linked wireframes

  9. Scenario

    • Given the Add row button

    • When clicked

    • Then a new row should be added to the top of the schedule rows in the section

  10. Scenario

    • Given a row in the schedule section of a Fixed due date schedule

    • When displayed

    • Then a delete icon should display

  11. Scenario

    • Given the delete icon for a row in the schedule section

    • When clicked

    • Then the row should be deleted

  12. Scenario

    • Given dates on this page

    • When in displayed

    • Then date format and date pickers should correspond with locale selected in Settings > Organization > Language and localization

  13. Scenario

    • Given a Fixed due date schedule name

    • When not populated

    • Then:

      • Display as invalid with red X in field

      • Display "Please fill this in to continue" in red text below the field

      • Disallow saving of the record

  14. Scenario

    • Given a Fixed due date schedule name

    • When not unique

    • Then:

      • Display as invalid with red X in field

      • Display "Please enter unique name" in red text below the field

      • Disallow saving of the record

  15. Scenario

    • Given a "To date"

    • When set to a date before the "From date"

    • Then:

      • Display as invalid

      • Display "To date must be after from date" in red text below the field

      • Disallow saving of the record

  16. Scenario

    • Given a "Due date"

    • When set to a date before the "To date"

    • Then:

      • Display as invalid

      • Display "Due date must be on or after to date" in red text below the field

      • Disallow saving of the record

  17. Scenario

    • Given a fixed due date schedule with unsaved changes

    • When user attempts to navigate away to another part of FOLIO (within the same browser tab)

    • Then the unsaved changes modal should display


Background on this feature: Every loan is associated with a loan policy. Every loan policy, assuming loanable = Y, will have a "loan profile". Options are rolling or fixed and indefinite. When fixed is selected, you need to select a fixed due date schedule (these are library-defined, but will be things like quarter, semester and year). The system will then look at the date ranges in the selected schedule to determine the due date for the item.

If you look at the loan policy metadata, you'll see that fixed due date schedules are used for more than just calculating the primary due dates. For example, they can also be used for due date limits or for calculating alternative due dates for renewals.



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Theodor Tolstoy ( January 11, 2018 at 9:48 AM

Works like expected. A few UX polishes will come in other stories

Cate Boerema January 11, 2018 at 9:46 AM

Thanks . Yes, the UX of this page is due for refinement. One of our UX designers, just wrapped up an assessment and provided recommendations in . I'll be writing up development user stories for making the changes she recommends. Given that, it'd be great if you could go ahead and close this one. Thanks!

Theodor Tolstoy ( January 11, 2018 at 9:37 AM

regarding scenario 3: the header currently reads "About" and is not the name of the Fixed due date schedule name. I think there is room for improvement here. do you agree?

regarding scenario 8: The "Add row" button is currently named "+ New". Is this the preferred naming?
Besides these minor questions, this one can be closed

Zak Burke November 10, 2017 at 10:45 PM

Cate, I think the layout issues are addressed in [|PR 25]. If not, can you add them as scenarios on this ticket? That'll make it easier to track the unfinished business.

Cate Boerema November 10, 2017 at 3:56 PM

Hi Zak. Here are some cosmetic issues it would be great if we could address:

  1. Can we make the view mode of this page look more like the wireframe? See below screenshot

  2. On the edit page, can we change the X button to the trash can icon and line up with the rest of the data in the row?

  3. "Schedules" should read "Schedule" (above the date range rows)

  4. Can we change the header of the list pane to read "Fixed due date schedules" instead of
    "Fixed Due Date Schedule"? (in general, FOLIO is using sentence case - john c says all labels should be entered in sentence case and CSS will do the rest)

  5. Can we change the header for the create view to "Create fixed due date schedule"?






Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 29, 2017 at 10:34 AM
Updated January 11, 2018 at 7:52 PM
Resolved January 11, 2018 at 9:48 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs