- Reduce count of eslint errors after update eslint-config-stripesUICIRC-1209Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Instigate migration from mod-config to mod-settingsUICIRC-1208Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1207Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1206Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Permissions. Settings page for Circulation > Requests > Request type tokensUICIRC-1205Mike Taylor
- UI | Add settings page for Request type tokensUICIRC-1203Mike Taylor
- SPIKE: Investigate possibility to migrate from "moment.js" to "day.js"UICIRC-1201Artem Blazhko
- Investigate bugs and build problemsUICIRC-1199Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Investigate bugs and build problemsUICIRC-1198Resolved issue: UICIRC-1198Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Release: Sunflower - ui-circulation v11.0.0UICIRC-1196Resolved issue: UICIRC-1196Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Request anonymization - Settings PageUICIRC-1202
- replace moment with day.jsUICIRC-1194Artem Blazhko
- Placeholder: FE | Populate the 7 new tokens in the New fee/fine, pay fee/fine, Waive fee/fine, Transfer fee/fine (Manual fee/fine charge/action) emails with the data provided by the backend in the ui-checkin moduleUICIRC-1193Mike Taylor
- (ECS Snapshot) Consortium title level request settings available in all tenantsUICIRC-1192Resolved issue: UICIRC-1192Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Patron Notice form Validation fires too often, causing unnecessary requests.UICIRC-1191Resolved issue: UICIRC-1191Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1189Resolved issue: UICIRC-1189Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1188Resolved issue: UICIRC-1188Dmitriy Litvinenko
- SPIKE: Investigate possibility to get rid of componentWillReceiveProps from RulesEditorUICIRC-1187Resolved issue: UICIRC-1187Artem Blazhko
- UI | Add 2 new tokens to Patron notice Email templateUICIRC-1186Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Transit (mediated request)UICIRC-1185Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip TransitUICIRC-1184Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Search slip (Hold requests)UICIRC-1183Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Request deliveryUICIRC-1182Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Pick slipUICIRC-1181Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip HoldUICIRC-1180Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Due date receiptUICIRC-1179Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to Patron notice Email templateUICIRC-1178Resolved issue: UICIRC-1178Mike Taylor
- migrate react-intl to v7UICIRC-1177Resolved issue: UICIRC-1177Dmitriy Litvinenko
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUICIRC-1176Resolved issue: UICIRC-1176Dmitriy Litvinenko
- [SPIKE] Ensure all menus in Circ, request and Fee-Fine screens meet the established patternUICIRC-1175
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUICIRC-1174Resolved issue: UICIRC-1174Dmitriy Litvinenko
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Transit (mediated request)UICIRC-1173Resolved issue: UICIRC-1173Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip TransitUICIRC-1172Resolved issue: UICIRC-1172Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Search slip (Hold requests)UICIRC-1171Resolved issue: UICIRC-1171Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Request deliveryUICIRC-1170Resolved issue: UICIRC-1170Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Pick slipUICIRC-1169Resolved issue: UICIRC-1169Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip HoldUICIRC-1168Resolved issue: UICIRC-1168Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Due date receiptUICIRC-1167Resolved issue: UICIRC-1167Mike Taylor
- Spike: Investigate possible to move convertToSlipData function and other to one place for reuse.UICIRC-1136Resolved issue: UICIRC-1136Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Spike: Check okapi InterfacesUICIRC-1135Resolved issue: UICIRC-1135Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Bugs/Tasks verification/investigation/fixUICIRC-1134Resolved issue: UICIRC-1134Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1133Resolved issue: UICIRC-1133Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1132Resolved issue: UICIRC-1132Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Error messages not displaying right away in Lost fee fine policy pageUICIRC-1131Resolved issue: UICIRC-1131
- Active Save button appears in Settings > Circulation > Title level Requests when user only has permission Settings (Circulation): Can view all circulation settingsUICIRC-1130Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Release v10.0.1UICIRC-1129Resolved issue: UICIRC-1129Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Incorrect name for Title level request settingUICIRC-1128Resolved issue: UICIRC-1128Dmitriy Litvinenko
- FE - Eureka Snapshot activitiesUICIRC-1127Resolved issue: UICIRC-1127Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Remove check for tlr.consortium-tlr.view and tlr.consortium-tlr.editUICIRC-1126Resolved issue: UICIRC-1126Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Remove feature toggleUICIRC-1125Artem Blazhko
50 of 952
Purpose: Request a list of lost items requiring actual cost and then bill the patron a lost item fee.
Story: As a staff member who charges patrons for lost items, I need a list of items to have selectors find the replacement price for and then bill the patron for that amount.
Special note: Attached mock-up SKELETON-2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png is the one that should be used for this user story. Attached mock-up 2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png is provided to show what the page will look like after all of the related user stories have been completed.
Given the Users app Users search results page Actions drop-down
When open
Then show new drop-down option Lost items requiring actual costs (as shown in attached mock-up 1-users-actions-button-lost-items.png)
Given the Lost items requiring actual costs option in Users app Users search results page Actions drop-down
When selected
Then search for items meeting this criteria:
For Declared lost items...
Item status is 'Declared lost'
No fee/fine 'Action' record exists with Fee/fine type of 'Lost item fee'
Loan is still open
For Aged to lost items...
Item status is 'Aged to lost'
lostItemHasBeenBilled (from Loan Record) is "true"
No fee/fine 'Action' record exists with Fee/fine type of 'Lost item fee (actual cost)'
Loan is still open
Given the search for items completed (Scenario 2)
When no items found matching the criteria
Open Lost items requiring actual costs page (as shown in attached mock-up SKELETON-2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png), displaying: No results found. (in gray text, in the middle of the results page, similar to what FOLIO currently does when searching for users (see attached example No-users-found-search-example.jpg))
Display '0 records found' on top of page (as shown in attached mock-up SKELETON-2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png)
Activate Search button
Given the search for items completed (Scenario 2)
When items found matching the criteria
Then open Lost items requiring actual costs page (as shown in attached mock-up SKELETON-2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png) with most recent lost items (Date of loss) appearing on top of the report
Report columns
Patron column
Last name, First name Middle name (from User information record)
Loss type column
Item status (from the Item record)
Date of loss column
Date the item was declared lost or aged to lost. This date is available in the Loan 'Action' record by looking for the 'Action' record with an Action of 'Declared lost' or 'Aged to lost' and then grabbing the Action date
Instance column
Title (Material type) (from Item record) Instead of the full Title, display three lines (or 75 characters of Title, with ... representing more (clicking on ... will present entire Title plus Material type (as shown in attached mock-up 6-show-long-title.png))
Permanent item location column
Item location: Permanent from the Location section of the Item record
Fee/fine owner column
Fee/fine owner is derived from the Item location: Permanent by using this location to find the Primary service point and then seeing which Fee/fine owner is associated with that Primary service point at Settings>Users>Fee/fine: Owners
Fee/fine type column
'Automatic' Fee/fine type from the Manual charges table at Settings>Users>Fee/fine: Manual charges (for ACTUAL COST this is 'Lost item fee (actual cost))
Actions column
Charge fee button
Insert number of records returned where '# records found' is to be displayed on top of page (as shown in attached mock-up SKELETON-2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png)
Activate Search button
Given the Lost items requiring actual costs page
When Search button pressed
Present items from originally listed in the order they were initially
If search results in no items found, display: No results for "<insert-search-entered>". Please check your spelling and filters. (in gray text, in the middle of the results page like FOLIO currently does when searching for users (see attached example No-users-found-search-example.jpg))
Given the Lost items requiring actual costs page
When sort icon is clicked on a previously unsorted column
Then sort in ascending order, flipping the sort icon from down arrow to up arrow
Given the Lost items requiring actual costs page
When sort icon is clicked on a previously sorted column
Then sort in opposite order, flipping the sort icon as needed