Mike Taylor
Mike TaylorReporter
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittTester Assignee
Kajsa Bäckius
Kajsa BäckiusPriority
Development Team
Fix versions
Sunflower (R1 2025)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 8, 2025 at 2:38 PM
Updated March 14, 2025 at 12:59 PM
Resolved March 9, 2025 at 11:41 PM
Purpose: Add 7 new tokens to Patron notice Email template i all following categories: the categories (Request, Loan, Automated fee/fine charge, Automated fee/fine adjustment (refund or cancel), Manual fee/fine charge or Manual fee/fine action (Pay, waive, refund, transfer or cancel/error).
The new tokens support repeatable circulation (aka Reading Room Circulation Functionality). The tokens are to be added to the the token modal in the Email templates.
1. Scenario:
Log into FOLIO Snapshot as user Diku_admin - or any given FOLIO environment, as test user.
Go to the Settings app.
Given: Settings > Circulation > Patron notices > Patron notice templates > Open an existing template in edit mode
When I select the category Loan and I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor, the “Add token” window display in a pop-up modal
Then: I see
in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
2. Scenario:
When previewing the patron notice template, category Loan by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]
3. Scenario:
Given: Settings > Circulation > Patron notices > Patron notice templates > Open an existing template in edit mode
When I select the category Request and I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor, the “Add token” window display in a pop-up modal
Then: I see
in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
4. Scenario:
When previewing the patron notice template, category Request by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]
5. Scenario:
Given: Settings > Circulation > Patron notices > Patron notice templates > Open an existing template in edit mode
When I select the category Automated fee/fine charge and I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor, the “Add token” window display in a pop-up modal
Then: I see
in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
6. Scenario:
When previewing the patron notice template, category Automated fee/fine charge by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]
7. Scenario:
Given: Settings > Circulation > Patron notices > Patron notice templates > Open an existing template in edit mode
When I select the category Automated fee/fine adjustment (refund or cancel) and I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor, the “Add token” window display in a pop-up modal
Then: I see
in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
8. Scenario:
When previewing the patron notice template, category Automated fee/fine adjustment (refund or cancel) by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]
9. Scenario:
Given: Settings > Circulation > Patron notices > Patron notice templates > Open an existing template in edit mode
When I select the category Manual fee/fine charge and I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor, the “Add token” window display in a pop-up modal
Then: I see
in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
10. Scenario:
When previewing the patron notice template, category Manual fee/fine charge by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]
11. Scenario:
Given: Settings > Circulation > Patron notices > Patron notice templates > Open an existing template in edit mode
When I select the category Manual fee/fine action (pay, waive, refund, transfer or cancel/error) and I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor, the “Add token” window display in a pop-up modal
Then: I see
in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
12. Scenario:
When previewing the patron notice template, category (pay, waive, refund, transfer or cancel/error) by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]