Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittTester Assignee
Kajsa Bäckius
Kajsa BäckiusPriority
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 8, 2025 at 5:11 PM
Updated 2 days ago
Purpose: Add a new token called Request type to staff slip: Transit. The new token support repeatable circulation (aka Reading Room Circulation Functionality). The token is to be added to the the token modal in the staff slip templates.
Log into FOLIO Snapshot as user Diku_admin - or any given FOLIO environment, as test user.
Go to the Settings app.
Given: Settings > Circulation > General > Staff slips > Transit slip and open any existing template
When: I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor the “Add token” modal will pop-up
Then: I see in the section called Request following new token, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock up
{{requestTypeToken}} new custom token based on settings value and request type.
When previewing the Transit template by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the new token - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{requestTypeToken}} Request type: Hold