Dmitriy Litvinenko
Dmitriy LitvinenkoReporter
Laurence Mini
Laurence MiniLabels
Story Points
Development Team
Trillium (R2 2025)
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 5, 2024 at 4:24 PM
Updated March 5, 2025 at 10:17 PM
If a user has only the permission Settings (Circulation): Can view all circulation settings, then they can see all the Circulation settings, but are not able to change (edit) the settings. However, if the user goes to Settings > Circulation > Title level requests, then if they edit the setting (for example, selecting or deselecting "Create title level request" selected by default) then an active Save button appears. If the Save button is clicked on, the change is not saved – instead an error message appears:
ERROR: in module @folio/circulation, operation PUT on resource 'settings' failed, saying: Access for user 'ViewAllCircSettings' (5925b934-01e8-429d-925f-de0c5fce1bec) requires permission: configuration.entries.item.put
Steps to reproduce:
Create a user in Ramsons bugfest with only the permission Settings (Circulation): Can view all circulation settings.
Log in as the user created in step 1.
Open the Settings app.
In Settings > Circulation > Title level requests, change one of the settings.
Expected Result:
Similar to what happens if you try to edit in Settings > Circulation > Other settings, no Save button appears.
Actual Result:
An active Save button appears. If you click on the Save button, you get an error message popup:
ERROR: in module @folio/circulation, operation PUT on resource 'settings' failed, saying: Access for user 'ViewAllCircSettings' (5925b934-01e8-429d-925f-de0c5fce1bec) requires permission: configuration.entries.item.put