Artem Blazhko
Artem BlazhkoReporter
Holly Mistlebauer
Holly MistlebauerTester Assignee
Holly Mistlebauer
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Orchid (R1 2023)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 24, 2022 at 1:59 PM
Updated February 20, 2023 at 2:34 PM
Resolved January 27, 2023 at 6:03 PM
Purpose: Do not Bill the patron for the actual cost of a lost item.
Story: As a staff member who charges patrons for lost items, I need to be able to not bill the patron for the actual cost of an item he/she lost even though we initially planned to.
Given Lost items requiring actual cost open and contains one or more items (as shown in attached mock-up 2-lost-items-requiring-actual-costs.png)
When ACTION ellipsis option "Do not bill" selected
Then open Do not bill <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal (as shown in attached mock-up 9-do-not-bill-modal.png) with Continue button active, with these fields-
Fee/fine owner pre-populated and un-editable
Fee/fine type pre-populated and un-editable
Actual cost to bill patron required field that is set to zero
Additional information for staff non-required field that is set to the default of -
Given Do not bill <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal open
When Cancel button pressed
Then close Do not bill <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal, leaving user back at Lost items requiring actual cost
Given Do not bill <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal_
When Continue button pressed
Then display Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal (as shown in attached mock-up 10-do-not-bill-confirm.png), with these fields-
No lost item fee will be charged to <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> for <insert title and material type>. (for message line 1)
After the Confirm button is pressed, this cannot be undone. (for message line 2)
Additional information for staff pre-populated (if provided) and un-editable
Given Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal open
When Keep editing button pressed
Then close Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal, leaving patron back at Do not bill <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal with these fields-
Fee/fine owner pre-populated and un-editable
Fee/fine type pre-populated and un-editable
Actual cost to bill patron required field that is set to zero
Additional information for staff optional field containing what was previously entered by the user, if anything
Given Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal open
When Confirm button pressed and another user has not edited the record
Close Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal, leaving user back at Lost items requiring actual cost
Display 'Success toast': A lost item fee will not be charged to <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> (as shown in attached mock-up 11-do-not-bill-success.png)
Add Not billed in the Actions column (above ellipsis, as shown in attached mock-up 11-do-not-bill-success.png)
Gray out 'Bill actual cost' and "Do not bill" ellipsis options in the Actions column
Mark the actual cost record to be deleted when current user closes Lost items requiring actual cost (or however Vega decides to handle this)
Given Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal open
When Confirm button pressed and another user has edited the record
Close Confirm no bill to be created for <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> modal, leaving user back at Lost items requiring actual cost
Display 'Error toast': <insert patron-last-name, patron-first-name patron-middle-name> has already been billed for this item by another user