Mike Taylor
Mike TaylorReporter
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittTester Assignee
Bodil Wennerlund
Bodil WennerlundPriority
Development Team
Sunflower (R1 2025)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 1, 2025 at 3:10 PM
Updated March 9, 2025 at 9:27 PM
Resolved March 9, 2025 at 8:55 PM
Purpose: Add 7 new tokens to staff slip: Due date receipt. The new tokens support repeatable circulation (aka Reading Room Circulation Functionality). The tokens are to be added to the the token modal in the staff slip templates.
Out of scope: {{requestTypeToken}} new custom token based on settings value and request type. See: .
Log into FOLIO Snapshot as user Diku_admin - or any given FOLIO environment, as test user.
Go to the Settings app.
Given: Settings > Circulation > General > Staff slips > Due date receipt template and open existing template
When: I click on the tokens button { } in the template editor the “Add token” modal will pop-up
Then: I see in the section called Item following 7 new tokens, which are added at the end of the list of existing Item tokens as shown in the UX mock
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID
When previewing the Due date receipt template by click on the button ‘Preview’
Then following text for the 7 new tokens - if selected - will display in preview (see the text in bold):
{{item.accessionNumber}} Accession number: 1234RFID
{{item.administrativeNotes}} Item administrative notes: Send to bookbinder
{{item.datesOfPublication}} Year of publication -- at the instance level and not the item level -- needed for monographs held at the instance level: 2016
{{item.editions}} Editions - Part of the instance record: 2nd. edition
{{item.physicalDescriptions}} Physical description: xx, 238 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
{{item.instanceHrid}} - Instance HRID: inst000000000022
{{item.instanceHridImage}} Instance HRID - A text and barcode representation of the Instance HRID: [inst000000000022 barcode image]
Tips for how to generate a Due date receipt:
Due date receipt. This slip is available in the Check out app, when you go to Loan details, and in the Users app, when you go to Open loans or Loan details.
Go to the User app and check the loans for the given user who has checked out the item with Accession number information. Expand the "Loans" accordion on user details pane and click on the "open loans" link.
"Loans" page is opened for the given user.
"Open loans" tab is selected
List of all open loans for selected user is displayed in table view
Click on "Print Due Date Receipt" button on loan details page
Printing preview window is opened
Opened window contains Due date receipt for selected loan as configured in precondition.
Confirm printing -> save the generated slip on local machine -> open downloaded ".pdf" file
Downloaded Due date receipt is opened
Due date receipt contains data from loan selected in step #13 organized as set in precondition