Purpose: To replace the static loan rule parameters and their values with real data.
Given the loan rules editor
When entering a new rule
Then the loan rule parameters that should display are as follows:
Patron group - "g"
Material type - "m"
Loan type - "t"
-Location - "l" (if available - this is currently blocked)-
Out of scope for this story:
Collection - "c"
Given the loan rules editor
When the patron group parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the patron groups that have been defined in Settings > Users > Patron groups
Given the loan rules editor
When the material type parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the material types that have been defined in Settings > Items > Material types
Given the loan rules editor
When the loan type parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the loan types that have been defined in Settings > Items > Loan types
Given the loan rules editor
When the policy parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the loan policies that have been defined in Settings > Circulation > Loan policies
Given the loan rules editor
When the location parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the locations that have been defined in Settings > Items > Locations (if available, this item is currently blocked by other development)
The policies should now in place. Also the issue with material types, loan types and patron group should be also fixed.
Michal Kuklis October 9, 2017 at 1:03 PM
Sounds good about policies.
could you please explain what do you mean by:
"the Material type, Loan type and Patron Group values only become available for selection when they have been used in at least one record"
Cate Boerema October 7, 2017 at 1:12 PM
Oh, yes, the policies should come from the server. I will add a scenario for that.
Also, I noticed that the Material type, Loan type and Patron Group values only become available for selection when they have been used in at least one record. I think we want to allow loan rules to be created that cover potential future situations, not just those that already exist.
Michal Kuklis September 26, 2017 at 2:29 PM
This should be now done. There is also a structure called policies:
Purpose: To replace the static loan rule parameters and their values with real data.
Given the loan rules editor
When entering a new rule
Then the loan rule parameters that should display are as follows:
Patron group - "g"
Material type - "m"
Loan type - "t"
-Location - "l" (if available - this is currently blocked)-
Out of scope for this story:
Collection - "c"
Given the loan rules editor
When the patron group parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the patron groups that have been defined in Settings > Users > Patron groups
Given the loan rules editor
When the material type parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the material types that have been defined in Settings > Items > Material types
Given the loan rules editor
When the loan type parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the loan types that have been defined in Settings > Items > Loan types
Given the loan rules editor
When the policy parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the loan policies that have been defined in Settings > Circulation > Loan policies
Given the loan rules editor
When the location parameter is selected
Then the options that display for selection should include the locations that have been defined in Settings > Items > Locations (if available, this item is currently blocked by other development)