Loans: Add Borrower Name and Patron Group to Page Header
Purpose: To display the name of the borrower whose loans you are viewing as well as their patron group on their Loans page. This will ensure context is maintained.
Given the Loans page for User A
When Displayed
Then the header of the Loans page should contain, "Borrower: <UserALastName>, <UserAFirstName> (<UserAPatronGroup>)" as shown in the below linked wireframe. Comma should not display if no first name is present.
Given the header for the Loans page
When Displayed
Then the font sizes should be adjusted so they mimic the wireframe
this should be easy to fix. Sorry for not catching it. I will fix it soon. We will need to wait for the PR review to go through again so I'm not sure if we will see the change before Monday but I will fix it here soon.
Cate Boerema October 6, 2017 at 6:21 PM
, this looks great but I do notice that the comma appears even if there is no first name. Is this difficult to fix? We intentionally left first name as an optional field because there are some students who only have one name. Obviously this is an edge case (maybe in some countries it isn't) but it would be nice if we could stop displaying the comma when only last name is specified. There are actually many places where we are displaying names and have this problem but it would be great if we could start doing it right. Let me know what you think.
Purpose: To display the name of the borrower whose loans you are viewing as well as their patron group on their Loans page. This will ensure context is maintained.
Given the Loans page for User A
When Displayed
Then the header of the Loans page should contain, "Borrower: <UserALastName>, <UserAFirstName> (<UserAPatronGroup>)" as shown in the below linked wireframe. Comma should not display if no first name is present.
Given the header for the Loans page
When Displayed
Then the font sizes should be adjusted so they mimic the wireframe