Purpose: To display a count of open loans on the Loans section when the section is collapsed. This is a visual indicator to users that there is data in a closed section. John Coburn has already put support for this in the accordion component.
Given there are X open loans for User A
When the Loans section of User A's user details is collapsed
Then a count should display on the closed Proxy section: X
Purpose: To display a count of open loans on the Loans section when the section is collapsed. This is a visual indicator to users that there is data in a closed section. John Coburn has already put support for this in the accordion component.
Given there are X open loans for User A
When the Loans section of User A's user details is collapsed
Then a count should display on the closed Proxy section: X
See example of how counts should look in this wireframe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vhfz9eywef2z875/user-proxy-1.6.png?dl=0