UX: Show Proxy Section as Read-Only on Preview Pane
Purpose: to modify the proxy mockups to reflect the decision in Montreal that nothing would auto-save in FOLIO. If we are going to allow editing of anything in view mode for records, it will be inline editing and will require you to explicitly edit (by clicking an edit icon) and then save. For proxies, we said we could treat the entire section of the page as a single, editable element for the purposes of inline editing. So you would click an edit icon and it would open up the entire section for editing. You then need to click save to save it.
Purpose: to modify the proxy mockups to reflect the decision in Montreal that nothing would auto-save in FOLIO. If we are going to allow editing of anything in view mode for records, it will be inline editing and will require you to explicitly edit (by clicking an edit icon) and then save. For proxies, we said we could treat the entire section of the page as a single, editable element for the purposes of inline editing. So you would click an edit icon and it would open up the entire section for editing. You then need to click save to save it.