This seems to be working on FOLIO testing. Does this need to be closed?
Jeremy Huff August 4, 2017 at 9:28 PM
I have run into a snag here.
I am currently able to pass into the user module a filter on its props, such that this.props.filters = . This, along with some logic in UIU to preference this.props.filters over query.filters, results in the checkbox being selected by default, but not in any actual filtering. If however I load the view with the query string (i.e. http://localhost:3000/scan?filters=active.Active) then the view loads with the box checked and the users filtered. From my immediate examination of the code I cannot see immediately why this is happening, as query.filters is not referenced elsewhere. I am hesitant to mutate the query sting in the scan module with parameters that are being consumed by an embed users module. That seems messy to me.
Steps to repro:
Log into folio-stable
Go to Scan > Checkout
Click magnifying glass in Patron field to open patron search and select component
Expected: Active filter should be applied by default
Actual: Active and inactive users are displaying by default