- Fine list not loading on Bugfest - intermittent errorUIU-2735Resolved issue: UIU-2735Dmitriy Litvinenko
- "Confirm" button can be pressed multiple times when User try to make Item "Claimed return" because of which several actions are createdUIU-2732Resolved issue: UIU-2732Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Systems error when attempting to create a new fee/fine if logged in user isn't logged into a service pointUIU-2728Resolved issue: UIU-2728Holly Mistlebauer
- Suspended / claimed returned fee does not show as expected after item is returnedUIU-2726Resolved issue: UIU-2726Dmitriy Litvinenko
- User App ACTIONS menu item "Lost items requiring actual cost" has disappeared on Nolana BugFest instanceUIU-2725Resolved issue: UIU-2725Holly Mistlebauer
- "Fee/fine owner is required" warning message does not appear when click "Select service point(s)"UIU-2699Resolved issue: UIU-2699
- Incorrect success toast when creating remote storage configurationsUIRS-89Resolved issue: UIRS-89Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Cannot submit a request with a user without barcodeUIREQ-849Resolved issue: UIREQ-849Artem Blazhko
- Cannot search for requests with tags ( or [.UIREQ-846Resolved issue: UIREQ-846Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Cannot save item request from On Order item, because need a barcodeUIREQ-840Resolved issue: UIREQ-840Artem Blazhko
- Cannot submit a request with fulfillment preference = DeliveryUIREQ-837Resolved issue: UIREQ-837Artem Blazhko
- Fast add. Creates a holdings record with no holdings source IDUIPCIR-47Resolved issue: UIPCIR-47Michal Kuklis
- Revert commit that was intended for OrchidUIIN-2234Resolved issue: UIIN-2234Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Provide filename when download EDIFACT export jobUIEXPMGR-80Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-80Dennis Bridges
- Download refactoring to support /download endpoint (Bursar)UIEXPMGR-66Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-66Vadym Shchekotilin
- Download refactoring to support /download endpoint (Circulation log)UIEXPMGR-65Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-65Uladislau Samets
- Cannot re-run 1 day+ old eholdings exportsUIEXPMGR-64Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-64Mikita Siadykh
- Authorization screen is appeared when user without permission opens "eHoldings" plug-inUIEH-1338Resolved issue: UIEH-1338
- Morning glory - Gracefully handle missing data in the exported jobs logUIDEXP-298Resolved issue: UIDEXP-298Vadym Shchekotilin
- Gracefully handle missing data in the exported jobs logUIDEXP-297Resolved issue: UIDEXP-297Uladzislau Kutarkin
- The error message is displayed after clicking on the 'New match profile' buttonUIDATIMP-1320Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1320Mariia Aloshyna
- Incorrect name of the page in Edit mode of field mapping profileUIDATIMP-1302Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1302Ann-Marie Breaux
- Data import settings: Shortcuts for creating, editing and duplicating don't workUIDATIMP-1300Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1300Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Missing associated profiles on edit screen on Action/Field mapping profilesUIDATIMP-1296Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1296Mariia Aloshyna
- Permission "Can create, edit and remove staff slips" : Cannot edit Description.UICIRC-876Resolved issue: UICIRC-876Artem Blazhko
- The "Delete" button looks inconsistent on the "Fixed due date schedules" edit pageUICIRC-874Resolved issue: UICIRC-874Artem Blazhko
- When editing a Request policy, I cannot save because "A request policy with this name already exists" errorUICIRC-873Resolved issue: UICIRC-873julie.bickle
- When editing a Fixed due date schedules, I cannot save because "Please enter a unique name." errorUICIRC-872Resolved issue: UICIRC-872julie.bickle
- When editing a notice template, I cannot save because "A patron notice with this name already exists"UICIRC-870Resolved issue: UICIRC-870julie.bickle
- "Something went wrong" message when actioning on staff slipsUICIRC-869Resolved issue: UICIRC-869
- "Something went wrong" message when actioning on patron notice templatesUICIRC-868Resolved issue: UICIRC-868
- Awaiting Pickup Modal in Checkout not showing current count of items awaiting pickup if more than 10 items are awaiting pickup at the service pointUICHKOUT-846Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-846Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Due date in Check out: Last number goes to the next lineUICHKOUT-811Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-811Dmitriy Litvinenko
- At check in, if both lost item fees were generated for the loan, then the action "Fee/fine details" sends me to the closed fee/fines.UICHKIN-364
- Start/end times cannot be saved for non-UTC tenantsUICAL-253Resolved issue: UICAL-253Noah Overcash
- New calendar is not savedUICAL-251Resolved issue: UICAL-251Noah Overcash
- Service Points drop down selection displays only 10 service points in nolana bugfestUICAL-248Resolved issue: UICAL-248Noah Overcash
- Settings > Calendar > Current calendar assignments - End date sort does not workUICAL-246Resolved issue: UICAL-246Noah Overcash
- Morning Glory - Confirmation screen requires manual refreshUIBULKED-194Resolved issue: UIBULKED-194Vadym Shchekotilin
- Confirmation screen requires manual refreshUIBULKED-174Resolved issue: UIBULKED-174Uladislau Samets
- Search. Entered data in the search box does not persist as it did in Lotus and MGSTSMACOM-707Resolved issue: STSMACOM-707John Coburn
- The "500" error appears when user saving "MARC Bib" record from "Derive" window.MODSOURMAN-909Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-909Roman Chernetskyi
- The '2' number of Instance is displayed in cell in the row with the 'Updated' row header at the individual import job's logMODSOURMAN-907Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-907Volodymyr Rohach
- The "500" error appears when user uses import single recordMODSOURMAN-906Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-906Roman Chernetskyi
- Create holdings record with holdings source IDMODNCIP-47Resolved issue: MODNCIP-47Michelle Suranofsky
- Missing permission to see and use "Access status type" feature in "eHoldings" app.MODKBEKBJ-708Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-708Sherzod Nurjonov
- Suspended fines not cancelled when claim RESOLVED with "Mark as Missing"MODFEE-383Resolved issue: MODFEE-383Thomas Trutt
- Refreshing mechanism for presigned url (Bursar)MODEXPW-345Resolved issue: MODEXPW-345Oleksandr Bozhko
- Refreshing mechanism for presigned url (Circulation log)MODEXPW-342Resolved issue: MODEXPW-342Oleksandr Bozhko
- Cannot re-run 1 day+ old holdings exportsMODEXPW-340Resolved issue: MODEXPW-340Viacheslav Kolesnyk
50 of 58
Fine list not loading on Bugfest - intermittent error
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Dmitriy Litvinenko
Dmitriy LitvinenkoReporter
(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee
(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin NettifeeLabels
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
Orchid (R1 2023)
RCA Group
Implementation coding issue
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 21, 2022 at 1:59 PM
Updated March 6, 2023 at 9:19 PM
Resolved December 9, 2022 at 2:59 PM
Stephanie Buck March 6, 2023 at 9:19 PM
Let's just push this through as a patch since that process hasn't officially kicked off, and Sobha has institutions that need it.
cc: , ,
Lee Braginsky March 6, 2023 at 8:05 PM
Guys, as per our Service Patch process, this needs to be requested and justified by Product. Please take a look at your convenience
Sobha Duvvuri March 3, 2023 at 10:19 PM
/ : Can this issue be released as a hotfix for Nolana? At least 2 of our customers have reported this issue and its interrupting their daily operations. Thanks!
David Bottorff February 22, 2023 at 6:12 PM
We're definitely seeing this in Chicago's local Nolana testing environment. Is there any chance this could be released as a hotfix for Nolana rather than waiting for Orchid? Or am I misreading this?
Ivan Kryzhanovskyi February 7, 2023 at 10:21 AM
Will be release in scope of main module release.
I have seen this intermittently on Nolana Bugfest during bugfest and was finally able to get it while it was happening and get a recording.
Basically, if I view a user profile I have not viewed before, and then look at fines, the accounts load underneath, but the screen remains blank and says that no fines are found. I have to log out and log back in to get them to show up.
In each case, I can see in developer tools that the API successfully fetches the accounts and that there are fines on the user record, even though the UI says that there are none found.
This is with the standard FOLIO user account with all perms on bugfest - folio/folio.
Example URL -
Video showing behavior:
This video was captured with an updated Chrome but it's in a half-desktop mode so it's gone into the mobile design, but I have also seen this with standard full desktop view, so I don't think that the issue is with the responsive design.