Volodymyr Rohach
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Tetiana Paranich
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Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 16, 2022 at 8:14 PM
Updated May 9, 2023 at 10:53 AM
Resolved November 29, 2022 at 9:03 AM
Overview: The '2' number of Instance is displayed in cell in the row with the 'Updated' row header in the 'Summary table' at the individual import job's log
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into FOLIO-snapshot as diku_admin
Go to Settings/Data import/MARC field protectionsIf these fields are not already in the field protection settings, add these two:
Field 020, Ind 1 *, Ind 2 *, Subfield a, Data *
Field 514, Ind 1 *, Ind 2 *, Subfield *, Data *
3. Create and save field mapping profile 1:
Name: Update MARC Bib with protections
FOLIO record type: MARC Bibliographic
Field mappings for MARC: Update
In the details, ignore the Updates details
In the Override protected fields section, do not check any rows
Save the profile.
4. Go to Settings/Data import/Field mapping profiles, create and save field mapping profile 2:
Name: Update instance 1
FOLIO record type: Instance
Add an administrative note, e.g. "This note was added when the MARC Bib was updated to check field protections"
5. Create and save 2 Action profiles, and link to the above field mapping profiles:
Action profile 1: Update MARC Bib with protections, Action: Update, FOLIO record type: MARC Bibliographic
Action profile 2: Update instance 1, Action: Update, FOLIO record type: Instance
6. Go to Settings/Data import/Match profiles, and either confirm, that this match profile exists, or if not, then create and save it
Name: 001 to 001 MARC Bib
MARC Bib linked to MARC Bib
Incoming MARC Bib record: Field: 001, all others [blank]
Exactly matches
Existing MARC Bib record: Field: 001, all others [blank]
7. Go to Settings/Data import/Job profiles, and create and save Job profile 1
Name: Update 1: MARC Bib with protections
Accepted data type: MARC
Match profile: 001 to 001 MARC Bib
For matches:
First assign Action profile: Update MARC Bib with protections
Then assign Action profile: Update instance 1
The Update MARC Bib action must be before the Update instance action
8. Import the first attached MARC file, named oneMarcBib-BeforeOverride.mrc, using the default job profile named Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib
9. Once the file is imported, check the log at the top of the list on the landing page
10. Click on the file name in the log and view the details of the log
11. Click on the "Created" hotlink in the Instance column
12. Open the other attached 'oneMarcBib-Rev1-Protect.mrc' MARC files in MARCedit. Paste the Instance HRID into the 001 field, then recompile the records into .mrc files
13. Import the update file, named oneMarcBib-Rev1-Protect.mrc, using the job profile named MARC Bib with protections
14. Click on the file name and review the log details
15. Pay attention to the cell with '2' number.
Expected Results: The Updated counter contains '1' in 'SRS Marc' and 'Instance' columns in the 'Summary table'.
Actual Results: The '2' number of Instance is displayed in cell in the row with the 'Updated' row header in the 'Summary table' at the individual import job's log.
Additional Information: See attached video or screenshot