Michelle Suranofsky
Michelle SuranofskyReporter
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittLabels
Development Team
Fix versions
Nolana (R3 2022) Bug Fix
RCA Group
Incomplete/missing requirements
Affected Institution
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 31, 2022 at 3:58 PM
Updated May 22, 2024 at 11:53 AM
Resolved December 1, 2022 at 5:54 PM
Overview: Holdings source ID has been created to support the work on edit of MARC formated holdings records using quickMARC. When this new data property was implemented, then creating instance, holdings, item using the Fast add was not taken into considerations.
Currently the holdings are created without any source in FOLIO by the NCIP integration.
This bug ticket is related to the reported bug UIIN-2229.
Steps to Reproduce:
Log in to FOLIO Snapshot ... [insert steps for NCIP - would you be able to do that @Magda Zacharska?]
Expected Results:
UI populate Holdings Source as FOLIO, and the underlying Json has the value set as "sourceId" = FOLIO, and not as nothing and value understood as being 'null'.
Actual Results:
The created holdings record does not have a data property for Holdings source data ("sourceId"), when viewing the json of the record - according to
Doumentation/Notes provided by @Christie Thomas:
NCIP needs to provide a holdings source when it creates the holdings record as it does an instance source. The instance source is configurable. Ideally, the holdings source should be configurable, but it should be okay to set a default of folio as the source if making it configurable is too much work. I am not sure who needs to be a part of the configurable or default discussion, though.
Since holdings source is set by the system it is not possible to assign a source after the record is created by NCIP.