- Fine list not loading on Bugfest - intermittent errorUIU-2735Resolved issue: UIU-2735Dmitriy Litvinenko
- "Confirm" button can be pressed multiple times when User try to make Item "Claimed return" because of which several actions are createdUIU-2732Resolved issue: UIU-2732Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Systems error when attempting to create a new fee/fine if logged in user isn't logged into a service pointUIU-2728Resolved issue: UIU-2728Holly Mistlebauer
- Suspended / claimed returned fee does not show as expected after item is returnedUIU-2726Resolved issue: UIU-2726Dmitriy Litvinenko
- User App ACTIONS menu item "Lost items requiring actual cost" has disappeared on Nolana BugFest instanceUIU-2725Resolved issue: UIU-2725Holly Mistlebauer
- "Fee/fine owner is required" warning message does not appear when click "Select service point(s)"UIU-2699Resolved issue: UIU-2699
- Incorrect success toast when creating remote storage configurationsUIRS-89Resolved issue: UIRS-89Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Cannot submit a request with a user without barcodeUIREQ-849Resolved issue: UIREQ-849Artem Blazhko
- Cannot search for requests with tags ( or [.UIREQ-846Resolved issue: UIREQ-846Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Cannot save item request from On Order item, because need a barcodeUIREQ-840Resolved issue: UIREQ-840Artem Blazhko
- Cannot submit a request with fulfillment preference = DeliveryUIREQ-837Resolved issue: UIREQ-837Artem Blazhko
- Fast add. Creates a holdings record with no holdings source IDUIPCIR-47Resolved issue: UIPCIR-47Michal Kuklis
- Revert commit that was intended for OrchidUIIN-2234Resolved issue: UIIN-2234Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Provide filename when download EDIFACT export jobUIEXPMGR-80Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-80Dennis Bridges
- Download refactoring to support /download endpoint (Bursar)UIEXPMGR-66Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-66Vadym Shchekotilin
- Download refactoring to support /download endpoint (Circulation log)UIEXPMGR-65Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-65Uladislau Samets
- Cannot re-run 1 day+ old eholdings exportsUIEXPMGR-64Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-64Mikita Siadykh
- Authorization screen is appeared when user without permission opens "eHoldings" plug-inUIEH-1338Resolved issue: UIEH-1338
- Morning glory - Gracefully handle missing data in the exported jobs logUIDEXP-298Resolved issue: UIDEXP-298Vadym Shchekotilin
- Gracefully handle missing data in the exported jobs logUIDEXP-297Resolved issue: UIDEXP-297Uladzislau Kutarkin
- The error message is displayed after clicking on the 'New match profile' buttonUIDATIMP-1320Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1320Mariia Aloshyna
- Incorrect name of the page in Edit mode of field mapping profileUIDATIMP-1302Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1302Ann-Marie Breaux
- Data import settings: Shortcuts for creating, editing and duplicating don't workUIDATIMP-1300Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1300Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Missing associated profiles on edit screen on Action/Field mapping profilesUIDATIMP-1296Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1296Mariia Aloshyna
- Permission "Can create, edit and remove staff slips" : Cannot edit Description.UICIRC-876Resolved issue: UICIRC-876Artem Blazhko
- The "Delete" button looks inconsistent on the "Fixed due date schedules" edit pageUICIRC-874Resolved issue: UICIRC-874Artem Blazhko
- When editing a Request policy, I cannot save because "A request policy with this name already exists" errorUICIRC-873Resolved issue: UICIRC-873julie.bickle
- When editing a Fixed due date schedules, I cannot save because "Please enter a unique name." errorUICIRC-872Resolved issue: UICIRC-872julie.bickle
- When editing a notice template, I cannot save because "A patron notice with this name already exists"UICIRC-870Resolved issue: UICIRC-870julie.bickle
- "Something went wrong" message when actioning on staff slipsUICIRC-869Resolved issue: UICIRC-869
- "Something went wrong" message when actioning on patron notice templatesUICIRC-868Resolved issue: UICIRC-868
- Awaiting Pickup Modal in Checkout not showing current count of items awaiting pickup if more than 10 items are awaiting pickup at the service pointUICHKOUT-846Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-846Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Due date in Check out: Last number goes to the next lineUICHKOUT-811Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-811Dmitriy Litvinenko
- At check in, if both lost item fees were generated for the loan, then the action "Fee/fine details" sends me to the closed fee/fines.UICHKIN-364
- Start/end times cannot be saved for non-UTC tenantsUICAL-253Resolved issue: UICAL-253Noah Overcash
- New calendar is not savedUICAL-251Resolved issue: UICAL-251Noah Overcash
- Service Points drop down selection displays only 10 service points in nolana bugfestUICAL-248Resolved issue: UICAL-248Noah Overcash
- Settings > Calendar > Current calendar assignments - End date sort does not workUICAL-246Resolved issue: UICAL-246Noah Overcash
- Morning Glory - Confirmation screen requires manual refreshUIBULKED-194Resolved issue: UIBULKED-194Vadym Shchekotilin
- Confirmation screen requires manual refreshUIBULKED-174Resolved issue: UIBULKED-174Uladislau Samets
- Search. Entered data in the search box does not persist as it did in Lotus and MGSTSMACOM-707Resolved issue: STSMACOM-707John Coburn
- The "500" error appears when user saving "MARC Bib" record from "Derive" window.MODSOURMAN-909Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-909Roman Chernetskyi
- The '2' number of Instance is displayed in cell in the row with the 'Updated' row header at the individual import job's logMODSOURMAN-907Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-907Volodymyr Rohach
- The "500" error appears when user uses import single recordMODSOURMAN-906Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-906Roman Chernetskyi
- Create holdings record with holdings source IDMODNCIP-47Resolved issue: MODNCIP-47Michelle Suranofsky
- Missing permission to see and use "Access status type" feature in "eHoldings" app.MODKBEKBJ-708Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-708Sherzod Nurjonov
- Suspended fines not cancelled when claim RESOLVED with "Mark as Missing"MODFEE-383Resolved issue: MODFEE-383Thomas Trutt
- Refreshing mechanism for presigned url (Bursar)MODEXPW-345Resolved issue: MODEXPW-345Oleksandr Bozhko
- Refreshing mechanism for presigned url (Circulation log)MODEXPW-342Resolved issue: MODEXPW-342Oleksandr Bozhko
- Cannot re-run 1 day+ old holdings exportsMODEXPW-340Resolved issue: MODEXPW-340Viacheslav Kolesnyk
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