3 | Further discussion of design sketches | Filip Jakobsen | Workflows: (Note, these will be general workflows. Will be able to set up a workflow that works between different apps/different libraries.) want steps to be assigned to individuals and groups (a person in a group can claim in) Reporting based on workflows admin view (where do things get stuck, who isn’t doing their work) Want ad hoc and flexible workflows. Include ability to skip/cancel. Could have two workflows attached the same trigger
Contacts Is there an easy way to dump in contact information? Global contacts file? OCLC has this. Should speak with someone who users OCLC and Alma. Archive old contacts (ie: keep it current)
Collections Discuss on separate meeting to review Ties into Marc’s work and the Kabalog. How do you manage global vs local. Key is to limit the number of places you have to update.
Licenses: - More relevant when we understand collection
To-Do list (Task assignment) Workflow engine is able to notify people of their tasks, but people need to view the tasks. Individual receiving tasks should be able to organize as they see fit and be able to assign to someone else. How do you handle items assigned to group - need to indicate who “takes” it. Delegate or grab for yourself. Ability to “snooze” tasks, mark as unread, delete, OOO, etc. Set ticklers for a task to start at a certain date