2017-01-13 RM Notes



Topic 1: New UX designer

  • Filip introduced Simone Møller, a new designer who will be working with him on FOLIO
  • Simone is also based in Copenhagen
  • She will be working on resource access and resource management
  • In the long run, she may begin to take the lead on specific areas of work

Topic 2: ER&L meeting

  • The group agreed to use the space that has been booked at ER&L on Sunday, April 2 from 1-5
  • 1-3 will be an RM SIG meeting
  • 3-5 will be an open house where conference attendees can drop in to learn more about FOLIO and see demos of the work that has been done so far.
  • The open house will be fairly informal, as people will be filtering in and out throughout the afternoon
  • Kristin, Kim, and Eric will all be available to assist at the event
  • Dan will be in town too at that point if additional help is needed
  • Lynn will handle logistics, including trying to get the open house on the official conference schedule and getting an attendee list to email about the event
  • Kristin set up a Google doc to start collecting relevant info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/130c5BA_wO-63JxqhVbz4IIRF28pwUnN9RWxOxP1VSLY/edit

Topic 3: Are there parts of the RM workflows that should be documented on their own?

  • Filip wanted to know if there were sub-workflows within RM that would be useful to document on their own
  • The group decided that the existing workflow assignments will cover most of the use cases we care about
  • We may need some additional documentation on access and discovery processes, especially KB work
  • Access work is mentioned on the initial purchase workflow, so we're thinking that this should cover that area for now

Topic 4: Initial sketches

  • Filip showed some initial sketches of RM functionality
  • These included a selection app that would allow selectors to pull together many different sources that support finding and evaluating items to purchase
  • This functionality is outside the current scope of the RM SIG, but it's a starting point for the RM lifecycle
  • The group provided some feedback:
    • For serials, there are only a few places to buy most resources, so this may not be a high priority
    • For books, integration with book jobbers would be important
    • It could be a helpful way to request quotes for resources that don't have a list price
    • It would be nice to have wishlist functionality built into this module
    • It would also be nice to connect with data from other areas, including ILL, usage, and trial feedback

The next meeting will be Jan. 27.