2017-12-01 RM Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute TakerEric Hartnett


OLE Director of Strategic Planning: Ginny Boyer (Deactivated)

New member: Sabrina Bayer, University Library Regensburg

Ginny's primary role is helping OLE partners develop a strategic plan. She has been on the job about two weeks. Will occasionally join meetings.

Will be looking at Receiving next week.

 Inventory App update:

  • Summary of meeting discussion from 11/21 meeting
  • Invitation to 3-hour workshop

Filip and I have now settled on a date and time for our first workshop (duration 3 hours). It will be held on Monday, December 18  from 8 am - 11 am EST / 2 pm - 5 pm CET.

Please note that we suggest to start the workshop one hour earlier than mentioned in the Doodle poll, due to Filip's traveling plans. We hope that works for everyone.

Topic: Workshop #1: Talk about batch importing, and all variations of importing

Filip's intention with the first workshop, is to go over and discuss all variations of importing, and to have the participants to document how their workflows tie in / overlap / interact with other workflows of e.g. acquisition, etc. So discussing (batch) import as it relates to acquisitions data would be very relevant. Interested RM SIG members could add those workflows to the new Google drive subfolder (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TDp7V2HrX-9jvRr0OLEXisfaacYE_Cwf).

In the week prior to the workshop we'll pick 3 key workflows. When we pick these workflows I'll also involve our lead developer (Jakub), so he gets a chance to way in, if there are some important technical aspects we need to consider too. Therefore I don't know right now whether acquisitions workflows will be one of the three key workflows, but it would be great if they could be included in the google drive folder for consideration.


8-9 AM EST

15min end user workflow example 1
15min end user workflow example 2
15min end user workflow example 3
10min discussing overall workflows — bullet point list of topic
5min break

9-10 AM EST
30min mapping out flows for each point — small groups (Slack calls - everyone should install Slack)
25min consensus building and synthesizing
5min break

10-11 AM EST
55 min consensus building and synthesizing

To do - before the workshop:

All participants prepare before the workshop:

  • Outlining what people do, which sources they use, what problems they have
  • Do workflow examples and then outline the different needs
  • Participants document how their workflows tie in / overlap / interact with other workflows, e.g. acquisition

Documentation from all participants to be uploaded by Tuesday Dec 11 in the MM-SIG subfolder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TDp7V2HrX-9jvRr0OLEXisfaacYE_Cwf

Filip suggest that in the week before the workshop then 3 participant will go over the material in the google drive and select 3 key workflows to focus on in the workshop.

As topic for the 2nd workshop we suggest that we focus on electronic resources - right now we try  to included e-resources for the Inventory for the alpha release in a 'light version', but we need to do much more work on this topic, and a workshop dedicated eresources would be very relevant - in the very beginning of the new year.

Inventory app will show holdings/items - the library's collection. Electronic resources will be represented in the app. Will be available in the alpha version of FOLIO. At first, people will have to manually enter information but will eventually integrate with eHoldings app and also work with other apps. The eHoldings group has a new charge to document areas where integration is needed between apps. Khalila is going to set up a Googles doc to document the various integration needs discussed by the SIGs.

People who want to participate need to provide examples of workflows and three different, key workflows will be selected. People from acquisitions are requested. Breakout groups will take place in Slack and then the larger group will get together to discuss. Add examples to Google Doc by December 11. Group is currently made up of 7 people. Charlotte will provide the list (wiki page). It was suggested that it be noted what areas the people are representing. The purpose of the workshops is to support Filip's work (UI design). Initial workshop is aimed solely at batch importing of MARC/inventory/holdings data.

The second workshop will focus on how electronic resources are represented in Inventory (probably late January). RM SIG needs to be kept in the loop when this is going to take place so there can be representation.

See wikipage: Inventory App - Workshops

Action items
