2023-09-20 Meeting notes

2023-09-20 Meeting notes




  • Open Discussion Round

Discussion items

5 minIntroductions

Jamie Jesanis from MCP new position. They're implementing FOLIO in Summer 2024.

Cathy Tuohy Emmanuel project lead for EMC also going in Summer 2024 - has been going to various meetings representing all workflow. 

Cathy mentioned as an aside that Emmanuel will use VuFind as their front end.

Chuck Koontz using EBSCO folio using EDS.

5 minSSO login

Amelia mentioned some SSO issues their IT are working on as it’s up and down.

10 minSelf-check / SIP2

Chuck mentioned they are working on self check and also would like to get RFID.  Issues with how users are recognized by kiosk.  Most users use mobile app to tap into building, etc.

Checkout in Folio allows various ways of identifying a user (barcode, username, external id, etc.), but with the kiosk and SIP2 you have to pick only one.

Is anyone aware of how the checkout app works?

Amelia mentioned Five Colleges uses barcode with SIP2.  As far checkout Amelia will try to get more info – checked JIRA to see if there was any work on this.

Chuck said they will likely adjust their patron load for the mapping.  Community users get a physical card w/value stored in a different place.  Curious what is happening when a value is entered into the checkout box (Linkso has a script).

Amelia brought up dev tools using snapshot to see what checkout did and also played with various values.  Looked at circ settings in Folio as well. Also did a bulk edit local to upload modified records, but can also do it through the API.

5 minReminder fees status

Laurence Mini wanted to know about reminder fees status, what features will be done for Poppy release.

Uschi Klute said Index Data was going to do something in the next month.  When you check out an item the reminder dates will be stored in a table in the database.  Renewal will cause new reminder dates to be created.

A small part of this will be ready for Poppy.

Does not know about preconditions of loan time.

Amelia put link to a Jira tickets in chat:


UXPROD-2015 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Action items


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