2023-01-04 Meeting notes

2023-01-04 Meeting notes




  • Today's meeting was a free-form discussion with no specific agenda.

Discussion items

30 minJIRA reportPatty
  • Patty gave updates on JIRA tickets that had been updated in mid- to late December, when we didn't have enough time or people to meet.
    • UXPROD-1744:  Show users associated with permission sets or individual permissions
      • Work was started on this ticket, but the development team said that it wasn't possible to make much progress.
      • Is it possible to create a Dashboard Widget to get the same information?
      • This item will be shelved for the time being until we can get more information about Dashboards, and what trouble the dev team had.
    • UIU-2730:  Options for using the number generator for making user barcodes
      • This is related to UXPROD-2142
      • We'll circle back to this issue.
    • UIPFU-58: Create index for searching on user's middle name
      • Searching for a name with a prominent middle name, such as "Karen Joy White," yields no results.
      • A library in Brazil needs this index, because in Brazil middle names are key to user lookups.
      • Maura has created a Google Sheet where we can write up use cases and requirements for this new feature.  Other libraries will make entries on this sheet, so that we can bring together common needs and concerns.  We've set a deadline for January 18 for input on this sheet.
 10 minTeams Maura 
  • We discussed Teams with Dennis Bridges in early December, but we didn't completely finish the discussion.  We'd resolved to finish the discussion at a later meeting.  That's tentatively scheduled for the next meeting, Jan 18.
  • MSU has been meeting with Dennis to discuss Teams, and Erin is currently willing to show us how they plan to use teams. 

Action items

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