2023-08-02 Meeting notes

2023-08-02 Meeting notes





  • The distinction between Patrons and Staff - this will be important for German libraries (GDPR).
    This is mainly about permissions, i.e. that not all staff members are allowed to see the personal data of patrons. And only a smaller number of employees should be able to see the staff data.
  • From Crossapp SIG: When doing a filtered browse search, when we select one entry and then close it, do we want the screen to leave the search in the spot where we'd last clicked?

Discussion items

5 minNote takerChristine Tobias 

Distinction between Patrons and StaffUschi 

Concerns about keeping user information private from staff.
-Erin (Michigan State): Only Circulation staff can view user's personal information. Other staff may view only name and barcode.

--Which permissions allow to view only name and barcode? 
---Users: Can view user profile 

--In Check Out app, you can search for a user by custom field. 
---Settings (Circulation): General - Other Settings. Add which custom field(s) can be searched. 

-Lloyd (Marmot Library Network): Consortium of academic, public, and school libraries. Some schools want permission to view their own user records but not those at other schools. 
--Ian's idea is interesting: https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/C22MK8NV7/p1690982269783749

 Filtered browse search UI discussionMaura

Cross-App Interaction SIG discussed browse searching.
-When record is closed, can the results list go back to where you were rather than back to the top of the list? UM SIG is in favor of this UI improvement!

How difficult would it be to add another filter as a column? Could we add expiration date for example? This would improve the ability to sort by expiration date and open the appropriate record from the list. Currently, you have to open the user record to see the expiration date. Very clunky. 
-Possibly by setting up a Dashboard? Should allow you to view the top level of records that fit the criteria. 
-UM SIG supports adding a filter and a column for Expiration Date. 

Real-time update to list when deleting User recordsErin

When a User record is deleted, it remains in the results list and number of records found remains the same. When you re-open the User record, it indicates "Deleted." It would be helpful if the results list is updated in real-time.

Possible cause: FOLIO runs at a certain time each day.

Action items
