2023-08-16 Meeting notes

2023-08-16 Meeting notes




  • Discuss questions for UXPROD-38 - Profile pictures
    • Would it be necessary for institutions to be able to customize a required size for images?
    • Would folks want uploaded images to be automatically resized by the system? (shrinking stretching or cropping the image to be within the size requirements)
    • Would you want an interface for manually resizing images when uploading them?
    • Would you prefer that the system just refuse to upload images outside of the size requirements, making folks resize images manually outside of FOLIO?
    • Amelia will bring some mockups Kimie is creating for how profile pictures will display in a User record, how the upload will appear in the edit screen, and the settings screen with the option to enable profile pictures at a tenant level.
    • Features for displaying profile pictures in other apps will need to be discussed separately. 

Discussion items

5 minNote takerErin Weller

Discuss adding profile pictures Amelia 
  • UXPROD-38 - Profile pictures
  • 100x100 is the suggested sizing of the profile picture - There needs to be mechanism to change the size of the photo (zoom in/out). Need crop and rotate feature. It was suggested to have the picture box set to "fill" on the front-end instead of trying to crop on the backend. Amelia can ask developers to create an in-app cropping feature. We will have a limit on the size of the data that can be uploaded but not on the size of the photo. 
  • To turn this feature on: "Setting" → "Users" →  "General" → click to "enable profile pictures"
  • What does "edit profile picture" mean? There is not an edit feature, you can just upload or update. 
  • How much processing memory does it require? Developers are investigating, determining storage solution they're using for these, needs to be secure storage and will likely will be encrypted.
  • Most of the photos would be coming in through a feed. 
  • Can we link to images stored externally? Certain universities have very strict guidelines on using student photos, so they may not be able to store the photo in FOLIO. They need a way to link out and pull those photos in from that external storage. Thomas volunteered to do a mock up to share. We'd like both methods at the start. Amelia will discuss with developers.
  • Amelia and Kimie will meet again.

Action items


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