2023-07-19 Meeting notes

2023-07-19 Meeting notes





  • Go over confirmed WOLFCon sessions
    • Workshop on using Folio APIs for Users (Wed, August 23, 10:15 a.m. CDT)
    • The Future of mod-user-import, and feedback on Users app from implementers (Wed., August 23, 1:30 p.m. CDT)
    • Folio Users app lab session (Thursday, August 24, 10:15 a.m. CDT)
  • What actions do we need buttons for in the Users app when editing/creating a user?

Discussion items

5 minNote-takerLaurence

25 minWolfCon sessions https://wolfcon2023.sched.com/Maura Byrne

Amelia attending remotely, offered to demo some of the things the User APIs can be used for. Maura and Amelia will present the Workshop on using Folio APIs for Users and Christine offered to serve as moderator.

Erin will help with the Users app Lab session.

Brooks unable to be at the Future of mod-user-import discussion, but will write out notes for Maura to use.

20 minAside from "Cancel" and "Save and close", what buttons help with workflows in Users?Maura Byrne

Different apps have varying buttons. For example, in Orders there is a button to make a new order based on the current one editing. 'Save and keep editing' also used by some, e.g.  QuickMARC in Inventory. Do we want any additional buttons in Users app beyond the two that are there now (Cancel and Save & close)?

General consensus was that having a 'Save and keep editing' button would be very helpful. Then it wouldn't be necessary to save a record, and then go back and re-open the record to add the permissions, as is currently the case.

Maura asked SIG members to put any ideas for useful buttons in Slack channel, for future SIG meeting discussion.

10 minImprovements for deleting inactive usersErin Weller

Display limit of 100 users at a time when use Inactive users filter is very annoying – have to keep clicking the 'Load more' button. The 100 limit seems to be hard-coded in, no way to change.

Amelia pointed to UXPROD-3230, which will permit bulk deletion (with a dependency check). When feature completed (expected for Ramsons release) this should make things easier.

I [Uschi] would like to announce that I would like to discuss a topic in the next meeting, namely:

The distinction between Patrons and Staff - this will be important for German libraries (GDPR).
This is mainly about permissions, i.e. that not all staff members are allowed to see the personal data of patrons. And only a smaller number of employees should be able to see the staff data.

I will create a document on this, and then we can talk about it on this basis.

Action items


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