2021-05-05 Meeting Notes




Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)

Marc Johnson

Zak Burke

Tod Olson

Jeremy Huff


Julian Ladisch

Jakub Skoczen

Discussion items





25 min

Continuation: Expectations for Testing items
  • Previously, on testing:
    • There is already a lot of content about test guidelines but no portal that aggregates links to that content about E2E BigTest, Jest/RTL, Karate, JUnit, etc. Having docs spread out across GitHub, the wiki, and dev.folio.org exacerbates the issues. Anton Emelianov (Deactivated) will write the first draft of this on the wiki, hoping for support from TC members. 
  • Review Anton's first draft together?
    • TC has homework to review Anton's first draft (linked above)
    • There was a miscommunication with Anton who isn't available to join today.
  • What is the end goal?
    • Action Item (Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)) Add an overview/introduction explaining the purpose of the document.
      • Is the intent to serve as a jumping off point for all testing documentation?
    • How do we measure success?
      • % Coverage (Unit tests)
      • Number of workflows/journeys (Integration tests)
    • We need to clearly set expectations for the dev. community. (Conflicting expectations from various sources)
      • All teams perform test setup and define a integration test plan for R2?
      • All teams write at least one integration test for R2?
      • All teams write integration tests for at least 50% of workflows/journeys?
    • How do the various types of test fit together?
      • It needs to be articulated somewhere how these tests fit together into a whole
    • Action Item (Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)) Fill in the empty cells in the document, even if it's "NA" or a TODO placeholder.
  • Who is the intended audience?
    • Product owners need to understand what teams need to do
  • One idea discussed was creating a task force to write/maintain end-to-end tests
    • We need to be honest about how much work this really is
    • Where do end-to-end tests even fit in here?  In the document it's called "UI Integration Tests"  Zak Burke will clarify.

Elasticsearch In FOLIOTC
  • mod-search is now in Folio
  • The change notifications functionality from mod-inventory-storage is now in Folio
  • Each hosting provider is on their own to deploy the ES server
    • Which is always going to be the case, given the licensing terms - we aren’t going to bundle it.
  • ui-inventory-es is available for whomever wants to use it as a starting point (exemplar) for building out a formal switchover from ui-inventory
    • As defined by whatever UX the working groups want to define to replace existing inventory search and make use of the additional capabilities that ES mod-search provides.
  • Marc Johnson stated that MM SIG appears to want to move forward with ui-inventory-es. 
    • Does this equate to replacing ui-inventory w/ ui-inventory-es?
  • Tod Olson relayed that this came up at the PC meeting.  There's a sentiment that this needs to be open for broader discussion
    • For instance, the App Interaction group wants a say in this too.
    • Some are not interested in using Elasticsearch - would rather use Solr or Postgres search.  Is it possible to support both?
  • Julian Ladisch notes that development on mod-inventory-storage search capabilities has been stopped for six months. Most features and performance improvements can be implemented using Postgres as well. Do the MM SIG members like the features and the performance, or do they like the underlying software?
  • Concern:  Will this work as a general search engine across other modules?
  • Is ES a required part of FOLIO?
5 minfuture agenda items
  • Is ES part of the FOLIO platform infrastructure?
  • What is the technical direction for inventory search?
  • Expectations for testing items