2021-09-29 Meeting notes

2021-09-29 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Marc Johnson is acting as scribe instead of Jeremy Huff

2 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll

5-10 minCouncil Goals/ObjectivesAll

Follow-up from last week... 

Previous notes:

From Mike Gorrell:

I have created a clean copy of what the Community Council created to identify which FOLIO Goals/Objectives were under the purview of the CC. We also took a stab at what thought would be handled by PC or TC. Please feel free to give us feedback/etc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17jVxW2XEK2bRSpXG9_FvdVtgqDfCTeKKM5h49IIhmRw/edit#heading=h.m2gdb67ibe1x. and use for your planning purposes.

The goal here is to introduce this and get eyes on it.  Provide feedback directly in doc, or discuss and provide consolidated feedback from the entire TC?

  • Tod Olson: discussing and coming to a common understanding would be a good idea here. 
  • Craig McNally: let's all look at this, plan a short discussion next week to organize feedback to the CC.

Jeremy Huff suggests that someone prepare a presentation for this. Marc Johnson suggested that it would take time to understand the items we are responsible for in order to represent them

Zak Burke suggested that we take homework to review this and discuss this it next week

VBar suggested we also need to think about how we manage the goals that the TC are responsible for. And that the 

Tod Olson asked if there are any goals we would want to add?

Jeremy Huff will add this to the agenda for next week to discuss it more

Jakub Skoczen suggested that there are initiatives that we are already doing that may need to be added

Mark Veksler asked if there is a deadline for feedback? and how is this going to manifest in the TC's work?

Jeremy Huff Tod Olson are going to discuss this before next week

VBar thinks that the TC should take responsibility for it's own strategic goals and objectives

Jakub Skoczen mentioned that we are obliged to follow the CC policies for the mission / objectives of FOLIO

Marc Johnson mentioned that the CC did not define these strategic goals and objectives

5-10 minNew Inventory DependenciesAll

Posted by Wayne Schneider in the TC slack channel:

Hi, all. I was asked on behalf of the FOLIO DevOps team to raise awareness that a recent PR on mod-inventory adds the requirement for a couple of interfaces from mod-source-record-manager and mod-data-import-converter-storage. This effectively means that the entire source record storage and management complex of modules is now required in order to use the Inventory app. We thought that the intent was to allow for FOLIO implementation without the source record storage subsystem.This re-ordering of dependencies causes some of our CI builds to fail (see FOLIO-3297). Fixing this is not really a problem (and we will do it today), but we wanted to double-check that this change is OK. Thanks!

Wayne Schneider stated that the DevOps team wanted to raise awareness of this to the TC

Jeremy Huff suggested that there is a general concern about dependencies in FOLIO

Jakub Skoczen stated that there was an initiative to reduce the explicit interface dependencies between modules and to define a smaller baseline set of modules (known as a platform)

Vladimir Shalaevmentioned that the dependency was present before implicitly. It has only been changed to an explicit HTTP interface dependency. This should be made optional as a quick solution.

And that a longer term solution is to remove data import from mod-inventory and make it a separate module.

Marc Johnson mentioned that it was a deliberate decision to include data import in mod-inventory

Julian Ladisch stated that optional dependencies are a good idea. mod-source-record-manager is not used by GBV and so is obviously optional

Marc Johnson asked are we going to test the multiple configurations introduced by using optional dependencies

Jakub Skoczen suggested that we could ask teams to do basic testing of this, e.g. in a scratch environments

Zak Burke suggested that testing the combinations of possible configurations

Jeremy Huff suggested we could disable all of the optional dependencies and do a smoke test

Marc Johnson suggested that we spend over a month checking a single configuration of the system and tend to find significant issues. When we introduce optional dependencies we state we support multiple configurations.

Jakub Skoczenasked if we have the same challenge with Kafka integration. Marc Johnson stated that he thinks we do

Jakub Skoczen and Jeremy Huff asked if we want the team to introduce optional dependencies?

Marc Johnson asked what the practical benefit of that would be?

Jeremy Huff and Jakub Skoczen suggested it would potentially allow for future improvements

Jeremy Huff suggests that we ask the the Folijet team to implement optional dependencies, no objections were raised

Marc Johnson asked if we would test data import functionality in mod-inventory without those dependencies. Vladimir Shalaev suggested we would not, as if data import is being used then these dependencies will be present

Jakub Skoczen asked if this would be included in 2021 R3, Kateryna Senchenko confirmed that they would

20 min

Technical Decision Making Process


This is a carry-over from several weeks ago.  It was a tangent of the min.io/S3 conversation that started to delve into topics of:

  • The tech leads group not being a decision making body
  • Whether it's realistic and/or desirable for the TC to make every technical decision
    • There was some overlap here with the external code submission topic

Related - in the wake of last week's slack vote:

  • Revisit voting rules... simple vs super majority, voting via slack, abstentions, quorum, etc.

NOTE: We need to frame this conversation and agree upon what we're trying to accomplish and how much time we want to dedicate to it before diving in.

Zak Burke raised the concern that we find it challenging to get participation in the Tech Leads meeting

VBar stated there is a distinction between decision making and problem solving. And that the TC should be responsible for decision making, based upon a concise solution

Jakub Skoczenasked how we take this forward?

Marc Johnson asked what we are trying to decide, is it where what kinds of decisions are made and how they are respected?

Jakub Skoczen suggested that is part of it

10 minExternal Code Submissions
  • Ongoing work on Acceptance Criteria and Processes (submission, evaluation, etc.)
    • Has the Acceptance Criteria v1.0 been published somewhere yet?  What about references/links in other places.
    • Agree on short and long term goals 
      • Define processes for submission, evaluation, review, feedback, acceptance
      • Improve the AC with more verifiable criteria, links to supporting documentation, etc.

Time permittingExtended Apps / App StoreAllThe idea of having a bare-bones/minimal platform defined, which could run on it's own and optionally augmented by installing apps has recently been come up frequently.  The notion of having a FOLIO app store has been around since the start of the project, but nothing has ever come of it.  The TC may want consider finding a champion and forming a subgroup to define a proposal for how we get there.  
Time permittingCheck-out Performance 

Proposal:  Check Out Performance

Marc Johnson was asked to make a proposal for checking out performance; draft document is available by the link above. Feedback is appreciated

There's a link to PTF analysis from the mentioned doc

Debate regarding cache/caching as a term..

Ian Walls "we could revisit the concept of a Shared Storage module that can allow for data from all these different modules to be retrieved live instead of maintained in duplicate"

Agreed to add a placeholder for the next meeting to continue the discussion.

Time permitting

TC charter review


Action items

  • Jeremy Huff will add the Council Goals/Objectives topic to next week's agenda
  • Kateryna Senchenko to action the decision to make these dependencies optional
  • Jeremy Huff will add the Technical Decision Making Process to next week's agenda