2021-07-07 Meeting notes

2021-07-07 Meeting notes




  • List questions/open issues related to TC self-governance...  Give some thought and have a more in-depth discussion next week
  • Wrap up the Reference Data & Upgrades sub-group → hand off to Cap Planning?

Discussion items

5-10 minImproved Handling of Reference Data During Upgrades
  • The sub-group has completed it's objectives and produced the following deliverables:
  • Next Steps:
    • The SysOps SIG will be given an update on July 23 (Tod Olsonand Wayne Schneider)
    • Ask Capacity Planning to find some resources to work on the Spike/PoC (Mark Veksler)
      • Idea is that is a real PoC, module would be split off into it's own storage so should be able to peacefully co-exist in the dev team's scratch environment.
 5-10 minTransition Plans for TC members? All 
  • Newly elected TC members will take affect on July 14
  • Questions:
    • Does the meeting time still work for everyone?
    • TC self-governance... 
      • Who will be the convener?  Rotating responsibility? Full set of officers? etc.
      • Need to list the specific responsibilities:
        • See Tech Council Charter
        • what is the business of the TC and what does the TC need to do to conduct that business and have a suitable record?
    • What does the decision making process look like?  Voting?  Lazy Consensus?  Something else?
      • Get something agreed to and written down (on the wiki)
    • Review relationship with PC and CC, see FOLIO Governance Model
1 minConvener for next week?AllTod Olson volunteered.  Thank you!

Action items

  • All - Review TC Charter, prepare for a more in-depth discussion about transitioning...  List responsibilities, ideas/thoughts on the decision making process, etc. (see above)
  • Mark Veksler to take the RefData/Upgrades topic ot the Cap. Planning team next Monday.