2021-03-17 Product Owner Meeting

2021-03-17 Product Owner Meeting

PO Quote of the month: "I live in UXPRODs" - Ann-Marie

Release tasks

  • Open - 24 tickets
  • In progress - 11 tickets
  • Blocked - 9

See release statistics at decks.
Please let me know if any impediments will be occurred and you will not be able to make release in time.


Reminder:  Performance test scenarios15Anton

Go and find tickets that are related to performance test scenarios. PTF team. Charlotte reminded that there are search performance issues in inventory that are waiting for the dev of Elastic search. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIJET/Performance+Acceptance+Test+Status+Page

Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)  will record a walk through and will post to the PO Channel!!!!

Bug test - Mulitple selections so Anton can run different types 
Smoke Test = more essential than critical path, small must have tests, 100+- (POs should not add to this group, one or two per section)
Critical path
Obsolete - test case no longer valid

Ann-Marie suggested 'Draft' as a type for when folks are creating the tests
Anton Emelianov (Deactivated) will add

Current testrun is hand selected - not based on a test group so

@POs add those to your cases  so that the next run can be built using the groups. 

All new test cases by 3/19 -
Monday - the kick off meeting 
Thursday - testers start claiming tests

Support ticket Priority5 minutesAnya

Support SIG meets on Monday mornings and review all current Support Jiras (have bug tag, SUP, or support label, P3 or higher)

Assign priorities and dev team, ping PO
Could there be a better process?
PC has been asked what feedback they want from the process?

How does the Support SIG best communicate bug priorities?
P1 = Hotfix - what is the turnaround target - current or next sprint? PO to reply response
P2 = Bug fix
P3 = Please bug fix - but as we get close to bug fix Support might escalate

PO should respond (what type of deadline), indicate when they can get to the work

Reassessing Jira UXPROD backlog as 'Themes"
CharlotteUsing themes might create efficiencies and focused development?
Thin Thread Development vs Mature Product Development

Is it time to reconsider the this thread? 

  • For some apps
  • Guidelines for adding new apps (planned to be fully featured within 1 or 2 releases?)
  • Thin thread review 
Permissions sheet

there are variations in how the spreadsheet has been populated for different apps, and the way it’s been done has left me wondering

a) what is the main purpose of adding the permissions to the spreadsheet?

b) should we be moving towards a single approach? and if so, what should that be?