2021-03-24 Meeting Notes

2021-03-24 Meeting Notes




Discussion items





New Tech Council Chair needed - new members to be announced

As Mike Gorrelland Marko Knepperhave been elected to Community Council, their seats will need to be filled until a new Tech Council will be elected.

Also, in that interim period the TC should elect a new Chair.

People will consider and next week we'll elect based on nominees or a blind ballot.

Agenda items for future meetingsTC

The following items are agenda topics for future meetings - how to prioritize

  • Create a unified list of expectations relative to testing items that should be part of Definition of Done (note Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)is preparing a recommendation to be reviewed on 2021-03-31)
  • Process/details on what is expected and required in order for code to be contributed by a team to FOLIO
  • Guidelines for which modules re part of official releases
  • Tech Debt review (periodic)
  • Definition of Reference/Default Data Types 
  • Status of Spring Way
  • How to approve new technology that has been asked to be added as "approved" for FOLIO 
  • Technical review of code/system quality 
  • Review of Architectural design process
  • Review of architectural blueprint / potential items
  • Establish and manage a policy around changes that might impact our budget

Top 3:

  1. Status of Spring Way (can leverage this discussion to determine process for approving new technology
  2. Create a unified list of expectations relative to testing items that should be part of Definition of Done (note Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)is preparing a recommendation to be reviewed on 2021-03-31)
  3. Process/details on what is expected and required in order for code to be contributed by a team to FOLIO

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