2023-02-16 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2023-02-16 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









Arthur AguileraUniversity of Colorado, Boulder
Eliana LimaFenway Library Organization

Sharon BeltaineCornell University
Eric LuhrsLehigh University

Erin BlockUniversity of Colorado, BoulderxLinda MillerCornell University

Nancy BolducCornell University
Nassib NassarIndex Data
xShannon BurkeTexas A&M
Elena O'MalleyEmerson

Suzette CanedaStanford University
Tod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Lloyd ChittendenMarmot
Jean PajerekCornell University

Tim DannayMount Holyoke College
Michael PatrickThe University of Alabama

Axel DoerrerUniversity Mainz
Eric PenningtonTexas A&M

Shelley DoljackStanford UniversityxScott PerryUniversity of Chicago

Stefan DombekLeipzig University
Natalya PikulikCornell University

Jennifer EustisU. Massachusetts Amherst / Five College
Bob ScheierHoly Cross

Lynne ForsWellesley CollegexVandana ShahCornell University

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&MxLinnea ShiehStanford University

Alissa HafeleStanford University
Clare SpitzerStanford University

Kara HartWellesley College
Amelia SuttonU. Massachusetts
xCorrie HutchinsonIndex Data
Simona TabacaruTexas A&M

Jamie JesanisWellesley College
Huey-Ning Tan

Stanford University

xJeanette KalchikStanford University
Vitus TangStanford University
xKevin KishimotoStanford UniversityxIrina TrapidoStanford University

Ingolf Kusshbz
Catherine TuohyEmmanuel College

Alexander LaoStanford University
Kevin WalkerThe University of Alabama

Joanne LearyCornell UniversityxAngela ZossDuke University

Discussion Items




Attendance & NotesSharon

Attendance & Notes

  • Today's attendance-taker: Linda (or substitute)
  • Today's note-takers:  Team Leads for project updates

Announcements /


Reminder: Join our Review Board

  • Great way to start learning to run LDP1 and Metadb queries, get comfortable with GitHub
  • No experience required! We will offer training.
  • We have three now, but we would love four!
  • Contact Sharon Markus or Angela Zoss (Old) if you have questions or would like to volunteer


Forum Title: FOLIO Reporting in Practice

  • Time: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern U.S. time
  • To Register: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O0-8c003R-eDOyXlQKzvVg
  • Description:
    Librarians will discuss real-world applications and experiences of FOLIO Reporting with the open-source LDP software:
    • How LDP1 is used to improve inventory data quality
    • Helping new implementors get up and running with FOLIO Reporting
    • What Cornell did to prepare for implementing LDP1 and reporting support services
    • How Tableau dashboards are being used to provide interactive visualizations of LDP1 data
  • Presenters:
    • Jenn Colt, Cornell University
    • Angela Zoss, Duke University
    • Sharon Beltaine, Cornell University
    • Vandana Shah, Cornell University

Upcoming meeting topics

  • Feb 27: Update on derived table documentation (draft script)
  • Mar 2: presentation on how to use primary entries for contributors to filter and aggregate (Joanne Leary, Jean Pajerek, and Sharon Beltaine)

Any new members?

  • Welcome/introductions
  • Would anyone like a buddy? Like to be a buddy?

How to find our latest recordings

(Always) Recruiting New Query Developers

  • The Reporting SIG is always on the look-out for new query developers. Please let us know if you are interested in doing query development or if there are others at your institution who might be a good fit.

Progress Update: LDP1 Hosting Discussion SummaryAngela

LDP1 Hosting - Experiences and Strategies from Users/DevOps Providers

  • This document summarizes a discussion in the SysOps and Management SIG
  • It has been posted and is available for sharing

Review and discussion: Reporting SIG survey resultsAngela

Reporting SIG Survey 2023 - Results Summary

  • Thoughts? Questions?
    • look into whether responses were different based on time in SIG
    • I cannot remember, why did the slack for reporting move from the FOLIO project to it's own project?
      • Metadb/LDP Slack 
        • this slack space is specific to the software applications maintained by Index Data and helps them monitor just one space for both FOLIO and ReShare customers
        • Angela tries to duplicate SIG-only material in both FOLIO and Metadb Slack
  • Possible next steps
    • proactive with buddies/mentors
    • reviewing onboarding steps, collaborating with other conveners
    • maybe spin up a wiki working group
    • would it make sense to have a list of buddies available and a couple of sentences about what the buddy is good at doing? maybe new people would be more comfortable reaching out that way?
      • possibility: build out the wiki pages so that they include more information about development subteams and who might be a good person to contact on those teams
    • What works best for onboarding?
      • smaller subgroup meetings
      • Slack is useful; recognize people's names, can reach out to individuals directly; can feel a bit like cold-calling the first time
      • do like the idea of small, defined tasks for a beginner; felt overwhelmed by something big like a review board, but maybe a small task would get someone hooked
      • agree, small group meetings, initial training on things like SQL
    • What do we think about development team meetings as a small group?
      • enjoy those, feel like they are welcoming; it's nice and it's a small group. still don't understand, but keep trying. 

Recurring Items (Updated weekly, but not always discussed in meeting)

Review of In-Progress Projects (Recurring)
Review the release notes for FOLIO Analytics, LDP1, LDLite, LDP Reporting App, ldpmarc, Metadb Projects (Recurring)
Updates and Query Demonstrations from Various Reporting Related Groups and Efforts Projects (Recurring)Community & Coordination, Reporting Subgroup Leads

Project updates

Reporting development is using small subgroups to address priorities and complete work on report queries.  Each week, these groups will share reports/queries with the Reporting SIG.  Reporting development team leads are encouraged to enter a summary of their work group activities below.

RA/UM Working Group

MM Working Group

  • Meetings are 1st Tuesday of the month, 12-1pm ET via zoom using the usual FOLIO password. Our lab sessions are open to everyone. Please bring your questions, examples, and comments about reporting and metadata. MM notes
  • We have begun working on the MM Data Model for folio. We are using as a these slides for our work.
  • We are looking for a convenor for the group. If interested, contact Jennifer Eustis on LDP/Metadb slack.

ERM Working Group

ACQ Working Group

Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

  • Morning Glory documentation is live on https://docs.folio.org/docs/
  • Nolana documentation is in review
  • Orchid documentation will be in progress soon, and plans are underway to include beta-level documentation for Metadb
  • Additional Context
    • The Reporting SIG has representation on the Documentation Working Group, which is building end-user documentation for https://docs.folio.org/docs/ (mostly linking to existing documentation over on GitHub)

External Statistics Working Group

  • no updates currently
  • new organizational/tracking scheme for JIRA, with pointers to queries in folio-analytics repository
  • New organizational structure for External Statistics reports
    • external statistics reports (e.g., ACRL) typically require running queries from different functional reporting areas
    • these reports will be captured in JIRA under one UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issue, then the descriptions will point to each of the queries required to run them on the folio-analytics repository
    • institutions will need to rank each of these 8 new UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issues
    • each reporting development team will take responsibility for the queries in their area for the external statistics clusters

Product Council

For all recent work on FOLIO Reporting SQL development:

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