FOLIO Analytics Review Board
The FOLIO Reporting SIG is looking for people to serve on our Review Board for the FOLIO Analytics query repository. Members of the review board commit to monitoring submissions to the repository and sharing the responsibility of providing reviews for submissions that come in. Reviewing a submission involves checking over the SQL code for basic style and syntax issues and making sure the query runs without error on a test environment.
Members commit to serving on the review board for a single major ("flower") release of the FOLIO core software. Review board members may continue to serve for more than one release, if desired.
We are currently recruiting reviewers for the Poppy release, expected to go live in November of 2023. Our target date for finalizing the board is Friday, October 20, though members can be added after that date.
The review board will be made up of no fewer than four members. Other individuals who are not members of the review board can also volunteer to provide reviews, as time permits.
Reviewers ensure that contributions to FOLIO Analytics abide by the repository's guidelines for contributing. Reviewers will check for new PRs at least once a week. Reviewers can claim a PR if they expect to have time to complete the review in the next week. Reviewers will outline any necessary changes clearly and communicate them to contributors in a timely manner. Contributors can reach out if more than one week passes with no reviewers assigned. If a reviewer ends up not having enough time to complete a review, another reviewer can volunteer to complete that review.
Expected time commitment: 1-2 hours per week, though this may increase as the deadline approaches
Timeline: Contributions to the FOLIO Analytics repository can be submitted at any time, and reviewers will review submissions as they come in. About two weeks before the planned FOLIO release date, the FOLIO Analytics repository will freeze any new submissions and transition to testing. During the testing phase, no new enhancements* will be approved for inclusion in the release, but any bugs uncovered during testing should be addressed, submitted, and approved quickly. For reviewers, this means that the two weeks before the release date are times when a quick turnaround on reviews is required.
Members of the review board will be recruited until the spots are filled. An optional training will be scheduled when the review board is complete.
If you would like to serve as a member of the review board, please contact the SIG conveners (Scott Perry , Sharon Beltaine).
* Submissions to FOLIO Analytics could represent enhancements - changes that simply add functionality to the repository - or bugs - errors in the repository files that either prevent queries from running or produce inaccurate results. Reviewers should prioritize reviews for bugs over enhancements.
Report Development Schedule for Poppy Release
Oct 27 EOD: Last day to submit new Pull Requests for 1.7 Poppy release of Folio Analytics.
Oct 30 - Nov 3: Review Board completes review of all 1.7 code.
Nov 6 - Nov 10: Code fixed by report development teams per review board feedback.
Nov 10 - EOD: Feature Freeze.
Nov 13 - Nov 22: Testing.
Dec 1: Folio Analytics 1.7 is released.
*Nov 20 - FOLIO Application Poppy is released
Changes By Release
The Changes by Release document format has been updated to wrap up all changes since the 1.6.0 release in a 1.7.0 section. It will be important to keep this document up-to-date with changes to derived tables and reports for LDP and Metadb. Query developers should enter updates on the changes or additions they make to derived tables and reports for LDP and Metadb in the 1.7.0 (Poppy) section of the Changes by Release document.
Query Testing Environments
- For derived table and report queries developed for LDP, please use the ldp2_folio_snapshot* environment on Testbed for testing, which is refreshed from FOLIO Snapshot at
- For derived table and report queries developed for Metadb, please use the metadb_folio_nolana** environment on Testbed for testing, which is refreshed from
- Please contact Nassib Nassar if you need help with your Testbed connection or would like to request a new account.
*ldp1_folio_snapshot is no longer connected to a FOLIO instance
**Plans are underway to provide a Metadb Testbed environment for the current release with Quesnelia
Query Review Instructions and Training
For step-by-step instructions on reviewing queries, please see the instruction sheet below created by Vandana Shah.
How to review queries on GitHub
*Please note: report developers still need to update runlist.txt for LDP queries and runlist.txt for Metadb queries when they submit their pull requests