2023-09-25 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2023-09-25 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









Arthur AguileraUniversity of Colorado, Boulder
Eliana LimaFenway Library Organization
xSharon BeltaineCornell University
Eric LuhrsLehigh University

Erin BlockUniversity of Colorado, BoulderxLisa McCollLehigh University

xLinda MillerCornell University

Shannon BurkeTexas A&M
Nassib NassarIndex Data

Suzette CanedaStanford University
Elena O'MalleyEmerson
xDung-Lan ChenSkidmore CollegexTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Lloyd ChittendenMarmotxJean PajerekCornell University

Tim DannayMount Holyoke College
Kimberly PamplinTexas A&M University 

Axel DoerrerUniversity MainzxScott PerryUniversity of Chicago

Shelley DoljackStanford UniversityxNatalya PikulikCornell University

Stefan DombekLeipzig UniversityxBob ScheierHoly Cross
xJennifer EustisU. Massachusetts Amherst / Five CollegexVandana ShahCornell University

Lynne ForsWellesley College
Linnea ShiehStanford University

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M
Susie SkowronekOakland University

Alissa HafeleStanford UniversityxKimberly SmithMiddle Tennessee State University

Kara HartWellesley College
Clare SpitzerStanford University
xCorrie HutchinsonIndex Data
Amelia SuttonU. Massachusetts

Jamie JesanisWellesley College
Simona TabacaruTexas A&M

Jeanette KalchikStanford University
Huey-Ning Tan

Stanford University

Kevin KishimotoStanford University
Vitus TangStanford University

Ingolf Kusshbz
Irina TrapidoStanford University

Alexander LaoStanford UniversityxCatherine TuohyEmmanuel College

Joanne LearyCornell University
Angela ZossDuke University

Discussion Items




Attendance & NotesScott

Attendance & Notes

  • Today's attendance-taker: Linda (or substitute)
  • Today's note-takers:  Team Leads for project updates

Product Council UpdateJennifer

PC meeting minutes 9/21/2023

PC meetings has introduced a new schedule: Thursdays 10 am - 10:55 am EST

3 new subgroups:

  • Re-architecting impacts: Wiki Page. The working group has had 2 meetings. Purpose: evaluate the proposal for Re-achitecting the FOLIO as product. This proposal was presented by Vince Bareau and Craig McNally at a couple of sessions at WOLFcon. 
  • SIG Updates: Wiki Page. 4 members. Reviewing the monthly SIG reports while there is a sense that the current isn't surfacing problems and we want to restructure this. This group is also trying to think how this ties in with the Roadmap. The subgroup will also look at the scope, and model for the Re-architecting work presented by Vince Bareau. This new work need to be anchered in one of the existing SIG. Kristin Martin suggest that the PC do a regular SIG report in one of the upcoming meetings in October
  • J. Eustis: Group is creating a template to submit issues to PC. 2nd meeting is tomorrow.
  • Meeting Hygiene: Meet first time yesterday, and will meet every 2 weeks. Converted the ideas from the PC shoulder meeting on 8/25/2023, and converted it to a spread sheet: a) structure, ... Meeting times to be more inclusive for people not is Europe and US. 

List App: This app was approved by the PC, but the TC review is still in process. Will meet tomorrow (9/22/2023) for final decision.

Quesnelia release: Proposal to set the initial date for the planned Quesnelia release until April 29th - [draft] Quesnelia (R1 2024) - The date is picked to avoid conflict with Easter Holiday and Spring Breaks. 



New Outlook calendar invitation

  • Scott sent invitations for the new series to people listed on our Reporting SIG Home page
  • Anyone still need an invitation?
  • (If you don't consider yourself a member and don't want to receive meeting invitations, you can remove yourself from the table.)

Impacts of New Fields and Features

  • Are there any new fields or features we should know about from any of the functional areas that may impact reporting?
    • New
      • There is a proposal to deprecate the donor field in the POL and replace it with an Organization type of donor in Quesnelia.  This will also be linked to inventory in a future release as well.
    • From Recent Meetings

Upcoming meeting topics (tentative)

  • Reporting Development in Preparation for Poppy Release
  • Reporting Experiences from Various Institutions
  • Lists App
  • Managing Duplicates

Any new members?

  • Welcome/introductions

How to find our latest recordings

SIG Recruitment

We will need to be recruiting for a variety of roles in the coming months. Please consider whether you would be interested. Reach out to Scott Perry  or Sharon Markus with any questions.

  • Representative for the Documentation Working Group
  • Query developers
  • FOLIO Analytics Review Board (immediate need!)

New Product OwnerScott/Sharon/Corey

Corey Hutchinson is assuming the role of product owner for