2021-06-21 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2021-06-21 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









Sharon BeltaineCornell UniversityXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Nancy BolducCornell University
Jean PajerekCornell University

Axel DoerrerUniversity MainzXMichael PatrickThe University of Alabama
XStefan DombekLeipzig UniversityXEric PenningtonTexas A&M
XJennifer EustisU. Massachusetts Amherst / Five CollegeXScott PerryUniversity of Chicago


Ingolf Kusshbz
Natalya PikulikCornell University

Jesse LambertsonUniversity of ChicagoXVandana ShahCornell University
XEliana LimaFenway Library OrganizationXAmelia SuttonU. Massachusetts
XLinda MillerCornell UniversityXSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Nassib NassarIndex DataXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XElena O'MalleyEmersonXAngela ZossDuke University

Discussion Items




Attendance & NotesAngela

Attendance & Notes

  • Today's attendance-taker: Linda Miller
  • Today's note-takers:  Team Leads for project updates

Announcements /


Fundamentals of the FOLIO Community (June 30 at 11am Eastern U.S. time)

  • This webinar is the first in a new series of onboarding videos for community members. It will cover topics such as FOLIO’s governance structure and the relationship between libraries, vendors, and developers, user-experience design, and the FOLIO Code of Conduct.
  • Register for the Forum by following this link to Zoom.
  • A recording of this Forum will be included above and on the Open Library Foundation YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/OpenLibraryFoundation).

Recruiting New Query Developers

  • The Reporting SIG is always on the look-out for new query developers. Please let us know if you are interested in doing query development or if there are others at your institution who might be a good fit.

Test Data

FOLIO Reporting developers and Reporting SIG members are encouraged to use this new page to share test data cases they have entered into FOLIO reference environments to keep us all aware of what data to expect when we test our queries.

Cluster Ranking

New Report Clusters are added on a regular basis, so it is important to make sure your institution is reviewing these clusters and ranking them to establish report development priorities. If you rank reports for your institution, please follow the instructions below. If someone else ranks, please pass this information along to that person so your institution's vote can be included.

  • Action =>> Please review Reporting SIG-All Report Clusters (57 issues) in JIRA and RANK each report cluster for your institution (R1-R5)
  • For reporting, institutions only need to rank the UXPROD Report Cluster JIRA issues. All reporting requirements, which are captured in REP-XXX issues, roll up to the UXPROD Report Clusters. Report clusters cover one or more report (REP-XXX issue) requirements.
Request for feedback: Documentation of mod-users data attributesAll

From MODUSERS-119:

Detailed documentation has been published on https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/#mod-users . This includes

Please review and give feedback whether this is sufficient and this issue can be closed, or list the information that is still missing.

If you use these modules, please review the documentation over the next week or two and send feedback to Angela.

The case of the deprecated fieldTod/All

Deprecated fields - how does the LDP deal?

  • can we track changes to the schema over time? watch for new/changing elements, keep an eye out for "deprecated"
  • even SIGs don't know what the data elements are
  • app documentation isn't necessarily up to date
  • would Documentation Working Group be a resource for better documentation of data fields in an app
  • list of fields, but not sure how current it is - maybe Charlotte has it ("beta elements")
  • We have early attempt: FOLIO Data Model Documentation
  • Git log can look between a set of dates (command line at least, can check on GitHub)
    • Look for changes to ramls/userdata.json  during 2020:

      git log --since=2020-01-01 --until=2020-12-31 ramls/userdata.json
  • Maybe consider GitHub actions to run scripts nightly, send alerts?
  • Bring up in a dev meeting to explore possibilities
Noticing any problems with the data integrity?Stefan/All
  • example problem with communication between FOLIO apps - if you delete a PO line, the agreements don't get updated
  • App Interaction SIG has a channel on Slack, so can share information with them (#appinteraction)
  • Orders talks to Inventory, but Inventory doesn't talk back to Orders, so changes in Inventory don't get reflected back in the orders
Updates and Query Demonstrations from Various Reporting Related Groups and EffortsCommunity & Coordination, Reporting Subgroup Leads

Project updates

Reporting development is using small subgroups to address priorities and complete work on report queries.  Each week, these groups will share reports/queries with the Reporting SIG.  Reporting development team leads are encouraged to enter a summary of their work group activities below.

RA/UM Working Group

MM Working Group

  • We didn't meet last week.

ERM Working Group

RM Working Group

  • plan to analyze impacts of new bound-with data model
    • new data model to be included in Juniper (mid August)
    • new bound with table, see UXPROD-1241 for details
    • so far, only the RM item_count query is impacted
  • working on queries for the 1.2 FOLIO Analytics release
    • reviewed RM-Standing Orders query and ERM-Orders Status query, which are similar but will be posted separately due to minor differences in design
    • reviewed Open Order query
  • for latest updates, see RM Prototype and Query Development Status
  • Friday the RM SIG proposed a new organization; ERM would be raised to level of SIG, and RM would join Acquisitions group to form an Acquisitions SIG, also elevate Open Access group to a SIG

Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

  • Reviewed all of the feedback, planned out changes, and will incorporate this week
  • Additional Context

External Statistics Working Group

  • no updates currently
  • ACRL query set included in FOLIO-Analytics 1.1 release
  • new organizational/tracking scheme for JIRA, with pointers to queries in folio-analytics repository
  • New organizational structure for External Statistics reports
    • external statistics reports (e.g., ACRL) typically require running queries from different functional reporting areas
    • these reports will be captured in JIRA under one UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issue, then the descriptions will point to each of the queries required to run them on the folio-analytics repository
    • institutions will need to rank each of these 8 new UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issues
    • each reporting development team will take responsibility for the queries in their area for the external statistics clusters

For all recent work on FOLIO Reporting SQL development:

How-To: Adding Test Data in FOLIO SnapshotAngela
Are Reporting SIG meeting recordings available?TodYes, at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20VE5Wa0I0STZGcjg?resourcekey=0-6tdvnGsUOaD0Ixp-nK_5VA
Scheduling future topicsAll
  • Volunteers for sharing reporting rollout plans
  • Volunteers for sharing how institutions are using the LDP
  • Prioritizing training topics
Topics for Future MeetingsAll
  • Alternate FOLIO reporting systems
    • Google Sheets add-on (June 14)
    • ByWater system (June 28)
  • Follow-up on MARC status, Quickmarc/Data Import conflicts
  • Show and tell
    • how are institutions using the LDP
    • Cornell's report ticketing system
    • Rollout plans from institutions
    • Ask someone on the sysadmin side to talk about LDP administration (Jason Root?)
  • Training topics
    • adding test data in FOLIO snapshot
    • How to do ad hoc querying with the derived tables
    • How to use the LDP app
    • using KNIME to build reports

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 

  • A test Action Item (Ingolf)

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