2017-02-24 RM notes

2017-02-24 RM notes



Recording of meeting: Resource Management Meeting-20170224 1335-1.mp4

Discussion items

1Minute Taking/Housekeeping 

April 12 RM SIG Prototype Forum

  • relationship to ER&L Open House?
Eric Hartnett
3Further discussion of design sketchesFilip Jakobsen

Workflows: (Note, these will be general workflows. Will be able to set up a workflow that works between different apps/different libraries.)

  • want steps to be assigned to individuals and groups (a person in a group can claim in)

  • Reporting based on workflows admin view (where do things get stuck, who isn’t doing their work)

  • Want ad hoc and flexible workflows. Include ability to skip/cancel.

  • Could have two workflows attached the same trigger




  • Is there an easy way to dump in contact information?

  • Global contacts file? OCLC has this. Should speak with someone who users OCLC and Alma.

  • Archive old contacts (ie: keep it current)



  • Discuss on separate meeting to review

  • Ties into Marc’s work and the Kabalog. How do you manage global vs local.

  • Key is to limit the number of places you have to update.

  • More relevant when we understand collection


To-Do list (Task assignment)

  • Workflow engine is able to notify people of their tasks, but people need to view the tasks.

  • Individual receiving tasks should be able to organize as they see fit and be able to assign to someone else.

  • How do you handle items assigned to group - need to indicate who “takes” it. Delegate or grab for yourself.

  • Ability to “snooze” tasks, mark as unread, delete, OOO, etc.

  • Set ticklers for a task to start at a certain date



Action items


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