2022-01-12 Meeting notes
Jana Freytag Thomas Trutt Debra Howell Jacquie Samples Marie Widigson Martina Tumulla Martina Schildt
Meeting link
Zoom link: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/88593295877?pwd=Zm53aG1Ga2g5SVV1OFAvK0lMVVVQdz09
Discussion items
Time | Item | Notes |
20 min | Requirements analysis | Bugs are ranked outside of the prioritization process; they are handled by the Support SIG Have a talk with the POs at some point; get in touch with them with a proposal and learn about their feedback Before we move away from JIRA we should make sure that we can update JIRA tickets in batch; new system to rank needs to be easily integrated with JIRA some libraries tried to rank with R1 as rarely as possible; other have ranked features with R1 very often; this seems to be unbalanced having multiple rankings per development teams how are legal requirements weighted more weight for libaries putting in dev resources what is our basic MVP? → related features could be ranked higher have a look around at how other systems are dealing with ranking? - collect feedback here until III | How do other ILS systems handle prioritization? Further notes in the table: II | Requirements analysis |
15 min. | Review the charter continuation ![]() | postponed till next meeting |
10 min. | Arrange roles/tasks follow ups |
15:01:54 Von Marie Widigson an Alle:
Sorry, have audio problems
15:05:58 Von Jana Freytag an Alle:
15:06:44 Von Debra Howell ( she/ella/她 ) an Alle:
We're missing Anya, but it's really early where she lives!
15:24:21 Von Thomas Trutt an Alle:
Mainly saying this here so I don’t loose my train of thought.. But I feel like individual features (where possible) should be grouped into epics and the epics are voted on.
15:26:24 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
I agree Thomas. Context is so important.
15:29:27 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
Maybe we should make sure that there are no Jiras that are not connected to some Epic.
15:34:57 Von Debra Howell ( she/ella/她 ) an Alle:
We don't...we do everything in JIRA :)
15:37:15 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
Debra, do you have your own instance of Jira, or do you use FOLIO's Jira for Cornell internal ranking?
15:38:52 Von Debra Howell ( she/ella/她 ) an Alle:
FOLIO's Jira for everything
15:39:03 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
15:41:51 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
I thought that the feedback from Kiwi ranking resulted in our group being formed? Meaning that it is clear people would like an easier process?
15:42:25 Von Thomas Trutt an Alle:
Easier but also scalable.
15:42:47 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
I would like to know, empirically, which Jiras are written to work around a gap in FOLIO functionality.
15:43:46 Von Thomas Trutt an Alle:
I feel that could be done with tags - Workaround, but also linking the final solution to the workaround.
15:43:54 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
to be open about it, I do not think that "ETL" is a viable work-around, a sustainable work-around, for many of the common tasks in the Metadata Management sphere.
15:44:21 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
I was thinking a similar thing, Thomas, thanks for articulating it.
15:47:04 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
And the developers will mostly work in the "easiest" ones to code.
15:54:30 Von Thomas Trutt an Alle:
Or the most fun.. At least that is how I used to pick tickets.. LOL
15:56:52 Von Jacquie Samples an Alle:
LOL!! That does seem familiar. :)
15:59:45 Von Martina Schildt an Alle:
Action items
- check with Holly Mistlebauer on pointing evaluation
- everyone to check how other systems are ranking and prioritizing - please add to this tabel: III | How do other ILS systems handle prioritization?