2022-04-06 Meeting notes

2022-04-06 Meeting notes



Zoom link: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/88593295877?pwd=Zm53aG1Ga2g5SVV1OFAvK0lMVVVQdz09

Calendar invite: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/meeting/tZwofuqqpz4iHdMaS6vffyjDAlO5x1_KkNTf/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGgqzIpGN2QuB6ARpw-GYr4b-rxmCVHgqdwnSyzFSZVewnSF-5tZ6ouL_Pb

Discussion items


To Dos

follow ups 

  • Anya will ask Anton if there is a possiblity for getting a SIG rank field
Next Steps and Feedback

PC Meeting Notes: 2022-03-31 Product Council Meeting notes

Next steps as set in PC Meeting:
  • Next steps: the group is seeking additional feedback (including comments on the slides).  The task group will prepare an additional presentation on tools and a refinement of the process.  Feedback is due in three weeks, with the group coming back to Product Council a week after.
  • asking Peter Murray about the Jira accounts: How many are available? How many are actively used?
  • recognizing that there is not a clear picture of who is "allowed" to create feature requests, besides POs and SIGs: anyone in the community? a single representative from an institution? a set of representatives from an institution? can anyone interact directly with the ticketing system? or it's expected a user or institution will go to the PO or SIG with any new requests?
  • definition of a "bug" is unclear, or different definitions among different parts of FOLIO community. important to define, because there is a bypass process for fixing bugs, where you don't need to go through the "feature request" raising and ranking process. are bugs defined here? https://docs.folio.org/docs/glossary/
  • connection between prioritsation and product roadmap and capacity planning: one hope that needs to be further explained is that the prioritization process will give development teams enough information to make sure the team's capacity is being used, in other words, see what's coming and make sure the team has enough work. related: if team has too much work, prioritization process would show that there is need for additional developer resources in an area
  • Having a office hour presentation of the tools we recommend
    • Kiwi pointing process tabel as an example
  • Next meetings:
    • 20th April: Office hour demo of the tools
    • 4th May cancelled du to vaccations
    • 11th May Meeting to get our presentation for PC ready
    • 19th May presentation of the gathered feedback/updated proposal and tools to the PC


Action items


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