2022-03-23 Meeting notes

2022-03-23 Meeting notes



Jana Freytag Marie Widigson Thomas Trutt Martina Tumulla Debra Howell Jacquie Samples Martina Schildt  

Zoom link: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/88593295877?pwd=Zm53aG1Ga2g5SVV1OFAvK0lMVVVQdz09

Calendar invite: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/meeting/tZwofuqqpz4iHdMaS6vffyjDAlO5x1_KkNTf/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGgqzIpGN2QuB6ARpw-GYr4b-rxmCVHgqdwnSyzFSZVewnSF-5tZ6ouL_Pb

Discussion items


To Dos

follow ups 

  • Anya will ask Anton if there is a possiblity for getting a SIG rank field

Tools for voting and visualization:

Discuss proposal

  • everyone should be able to bring up requests
  • raise topics with SIG and/or PO
  • Jacquie: That sounds right to me, but occasionally, the PO might request that I write up the issue, after SIG discussion, which she then manages in JIRA
  • There are templates for Jiras
  • Thomas in chat: It is difficult sometimes to know under what area it should be added.
  • Jacquie in chat: yes, that is why we need to work with the POs to get them right.
  • PO rank with R1-R5 or with numbers? → TBD
  • original request = request by institution
  • draft request = request that has been cleared by the PO (PO = gatekeeper)
  • bypass the SIG: in cases where something is really needed and needs no discussion
  • requests could be epics or a small feature, e.g. a cancel button to requests form
  • requests can bypass voting, e.g. core functionality, NFRs, industry standards (e.g. Or data synchronization, major blocks to workflows, data collision avoidance)
  • institutions that are going live or that are live
    • what do we consider as live?
    • Thomas in chat: It could be area by area, or if being used at all, or the core apps.
  • OLF members / paying institutions → marketing for membership - development needs funding
  • institutions active in the community
  • weighting for implemented partially vs. full vs planned, consortia vs. single
  • Thomas in chat: I think all institutions should be allowed to vote, just the weight of their votes maybe different.
  • Implemented libraries can be members, but may not be, right? So perhaps we should think about implemented, actively planning implementation, or other categories should be used rather than members?

How to bring features forward/to JIRA
  • postponed
Next steps
  • finalize the proposal
  • Bring the proposal to the PC / CC/ PO reps to talk about how to go forward - at 9:30 am ET
  • next meeting next week at the same time (off-plan)


Von Jana Freytag | VZG an alle 04:02 PM
2022-03-23 Meeting notes
Von Jacquie Samples an alle 04:12 PM
That sounds right to me, but occasionally, the PO might request that I write up the issue, after SIG discussion, which she then manages in JIRA
There are templates for Jiras
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 04:13 PM
It is difficult sometimes to know under what area it should be added.
Von Jacquie Samples an alle 04:13 PM
yes, that is why we need to work with the POs to get them right.
Von mir an alle 04:22 PM
And that should be discussed with the POs as well
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 04:38 PM
Or data synchronization, major blocks to workflows
Von Debra Howell ( she/her ) an alle 04:38 PM
+1 Jacquie
Von Jacquie Samples an alle 04:39 PM
industry standards!  Standards in general!  :)
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 04:45 PM
It could be area by area, or if being used at all, or the core apps.
I think all institutions should be allowed to vote, just the weight of their votes maybe different.
Von Jacquie Samples an alle 04:51 PM
+1 Tom
Implemented libraries can be members, but may not be, right? So perhaps we should think about implemented, actively planning implementation, or other categories should be used rather than members?
Sorry Martina!
Good point!  I hadn't thought about marketing!
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 04:52 PM

Action items

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