2024-10-30 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2024-10-30 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Raegan Wiechert Robert Pleshar Yael Hod Sara Colglazier

Notetaker: Jennifer Eustis



TopicWhoMeeting NotesRelated JiraDecisions and Actions


Ramsons Bug Fest details: Bug Fest R2 2024 Ramsons - non-ECS

Jennifer will clean up the Data Import Topic Tracker with a new table that is easier to read and fill out.

New Documentation: Export/Import Job profiles via APIRyan

Export & Import Data Import Job Profiles via API

This is in the information and tips for Data Import. This page explains how this works and the steps involved. There is an accompanying recording. This is the initial phase being able to do this via the API. The next phase is to do this via the UI to simplify this process. Yael hasn't had any success with the partial matches and neither has Robert in Poppy and Quesnelia.

Do we limit the availability if that feature doesn't work?

UXPROD-4348 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-3556 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Documentation Discussion: Identify gaps/needs


Spreadsheet for tracking documentation needs:

Group started working on this last week and reached no. 8.

No. 6: Guidelines for matching: There is some documentation on the wiki. However, it is not clear what type of matches work currently (exact, partial, to MARC repeatable fields).

No 8: What is the difference between matching on instance and srs bib records?

No. 9: It should not be possible to have an update a srs bib and an instance in the same job. Ryan will ask the dev team.

No. 10-12: We should get information on the wiki first and then decide whether it needs to be on docs.folio.

No. 13-14: We need a better idea of what works and what doesn't. We also need to know how to respond to standards that change.

The Documentation group will be discussion what goes out to folio.docs and the wiki.

Reagan: The folio.docs presents the basics of what is offered. The workflow concepts are on the wiki.

Yael: The wiki is updated much more frequently unlike the docs.folio.

Next Steps: another plug to contribute on the slack channel

Review Topics Tracker


Data Import Implementers Topic Tracker

Notes from previous meetings...

Upcoming meetings/agenda topics: --
