- Missing module permissions on mark-missing endpointsMODINV-1174
- Review of C409438 test caseFAT-19280Maryna Polovynkina
- Review of C409453 test caseFAT-19279Maryna Polovynkina
- Review of C409454 test caseFAT-19278Maryna Polovynkina
- Review of C409450 test caseFAT-19277Maryna Polovynkina
- Review of C409446 test caseFAT-19276Maryna Polovynkina
- Review of C409440 test caseFAT-19275Maryna Polovynkina
- Upgrade jspdf to v3 for security-updateUIU-3347John Coburn
- Review of C409439 test caseFAT-19274Maryna Polovynkina
- Release v3.0.1UILDP-168Resolved issue: UILDP-168Mike Taylor
- Restrict access for custom namespacesRANCHER-2186
- Review of C692231 test caseFAT-19273Maryna Polovynkina
- Review of C692230 test caseFAT-19272Maryna Polovynkina
- ECS: Creating Pieces for Receiving Results in Unexpected Behavior when Central Ordering ActivatedUISER-205Owen Stephens
- ECS | Piece could not be moved to "Claim sent" status in member tenant when related order was created in Central tenantMODORDERS-1262
- Fix app UI name as per recent changesFAT-19271
- Number of versions counter is broken on UI side for FOLIO records on "Version history" paneUIIN-3283
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-search] SearchApiTest {9} spitfire/mod-search/search/single-property-search.featureFAT-19270
- Karate test fail: [corsair/mod-lists] ModListsTest {5} corsair/mod-lists/features/refresh.featureFAT-19269
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java] KbEbscoApiTests_titlesTest {7} spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java/features/setup/setup-resources.featureFAT-19268
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java] KbEbscoApiTests_packagesTest {4} spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java/features/setup/setup-resources.featureFAT-19267
- Karate test fail: [thunderjet/mod-orders] OrdersApiTest {4} thunderjet/mod-orders/features/open-order-with-different-po-line-currency.featureFAT-19266
- Karate test fail: [thunderjet/consortia] ConsortiaOrdersApiTest {1} thunderjet/consortia/consortia-orders-junit.featureFAT-19265
- (Dry run1) "Consortium manager" app shouldn't be present in General collections affiliationMODROLESKC-283
- Release module for Sunflower R1 2025 (1.2.0)MODREQMED-99Resolved issue: MODREQMED-99Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- 503 Service Unavailable error from Data import on OKAPI Ramsons bugfest environmentBF-1145
- Open Access: Extend support for Institutional levelsUXPROD-5225Owen Stephens
- Define plan for test stabilizationMODINVSTOR-1371
- Review of C648508FAT-19264Resolved issue: FAT-19264Joseph Reimers
- Serial record contains remoteId but no remote_objectMODSER-102Owen Stephens
- Provide "System User required" attribute as part of module bootstrap dataMGRAPPS-54
- Support of Eureka daily runsFAT-19263
- When edit location updated remote storage value is not displayed in location detailed view until User reopens the detailed view or refreshes the pageUITEN-327
- Release stripes-authorization-components v Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UISAUTHCOM-54Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Release ui-plugin-select-application v Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UIPSELAPP-13Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Release ui-authorization-policies v Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UIPOLICIES-24Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Release ui-authorization-roles v Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UIROLES-141Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Release folio-module-sidecar v2.0.8 Ramsons SP#1 Release (R2 2024)MODSIDECAR-106Aliaksei Harbuz
- Implement Order Template CategoriesMODORDSTOR-443
- Extra data in srs.records_lb and srs.marc_records_lbPERF-1097
- Implement endpoint for storing configuration optionsMODMO-6Serhii_Nosko
- Review of C651442FAT-19262Daria Reznikova
- Entitlement takes too long in Karate testRANCHER-2185Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- The header of the Instance details pane is not changed after overlaying source bibliographic record processUIIN-3282
- Reindex failed for ECS and non-ECS tenants on the Eureka Ramsons Bugfest environmentMSEARCH-996Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-search] SearchApiTest {1} spitfire/mod-search/set-up/tenant-init.featureFAT-19261Resolved issue: FAT-19261
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java] KbEbscoApiTests_resourcesTest {31} spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java/features/setup/setup-resources.featureFAT-19260Resolved issue: FAT-19260
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java] KbEbscoApiTests_exportTest {25} spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java/features/setup/setup-resources.featureFAT-19259Resolved issue: FAT-19259
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java] KbEbscoApiTests_providersTest {22} spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java/features/setup/setup-resources.featureFAT-19258Resolved issue: FAT-19258
- Karate test fail: [spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java] KbEbscoApiTests_accessTypesTest {14} spitfire/mod-kb-ebsco-java/features/setup/destroy.featureFAT-19257Resolved issue: FAT-19257
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